Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Killing Slowly X Yet Kindly: So Long, July

July has been a good ride

after all


after all because

it started off

real real slow


have been stuck with

petty jobs which were

pretty time consuming

yet didn’t generate good pay


2/3 of the month was gone

and i was feeling kinda lost

partly because there wasn’t

any trip to look forward to


not anytime soon until



but somehow throughout the month

i managed to book another 3 trips

and one was coming real soon

pushing my next traveling date

to end of August

something to look forward to


which makes life

kinda better and i realize

going through peaks and troughs

over and over again

is making me somehow more patient


can you imagine

Saturday morning

still in bed

and i got an email

to review past work


that particular project

had already gone through

2 rounds of reviews


but i have learnt the art of

not to reply email when you are

feeling kinda heat-up or impatient


so i left it until

i really felt like working

after a Saturday nap

got the review done


basically review means

someone else made changes

to your piece of translation

and client would demand you to

go through and decide whether

you accept and reject the changes

and provide a reason for either


and i actually replied

the email in the nicest way ever

that i was so glad that

i didn’t reply to it

in the morning in bed


no i wasn’t feeling fake

it was just that

i no longer felt that

it was that awful after all

and i had got it done anyway

and felt that i have won

the war since none of the changes

were due to mistake/typo


and my reply went something like

“Thank you for sending me

on a Saturday so that

i can take my time to

go through it”


oh man i can’t believe it

that’s so so nice of me

yet the person didn’t even reply

well good sign, anyway

because i really didn’t want to

hear more from this project


things started to pick up

and i managed to juggle

between work and rest on weekend

by taking a day off on Saturday

and working full day on Sunday


it’s a good way to

kill the Monday’s blue and

productivity is actually good

by taking a complete day off


yay.. target hit

new skills learnt and

i managed to catch two movies

after work on a weekday


and i was having movie

with a friend who was

heading straight to the cinema

in her work attire


so imagining that

she was going to dress up

in somehow formal attire

i actually picked up a

little black dress

to play pretend that

i was hitting the cinema

from the office too


and before i had the chance

to grab my Sperry white

my mom actually took out

the pair of GEOX leather

which have been

abandoned forever



so i ended up

heading to movie from home

pretending to be an OL

all over again in

LBD and black leather shoes


Spidey is not really my kind of movie

but still, I made it there

although i perhaps have

a list of 1001 reasons not to go


after she told me about

the nasty colleagues in her office

life is tough



and on another occasion

another friend of mine

no i wasn’t pretending that

i have a lot of friends

they do exist, for real


posted on FB about stressful life

i have not been meeting her

for some time and

didn’t really know if

she was coping fine


so i actually sent her some

home-made snack, biscuit and teabag

during a quick catch up session

near her office

and thank goodness

she looked okay


i seriously don’t know why

it doesn’t sounds like

that kind of thing I will do

but i feel that

everyone needs that

little support from time to time
