Monday, July 17, 2017

✈Shenzhen X Guangzhou✈: And Cities Along the Way

after booking our tickets to Chongqing

Has Always Been on the List X Finally Checked: Chongqing, Booked


KIV-ed a pair of dates on early Dec

for Southern part of China

Shantou  - - >  Xiamen

there’s probably the only part

we can head to without

suffering the winter


and Dec + March

fit in nicely for a

double-entry visa

within a 6 month period


looking forward to

site-wide 20% discount

this week

in fact it is indeed happening



however the cut-off date

is during November

right before school break


so i wasn’t really keeping an eye

as i was busy during the week

and since the dates I KIV-ed

do not fall within the

promo period

tickets are not going to run



soon it’s already Sunday

we were out at the mall

just one of the typical

evening walk we have

3-4 times every week


and my dad brought up

about the long weekend

during 831 again


it was initially crossed out

of our potential itinerary

simply because

it was in conjunction with

the 7th month in Lunar Calendar

no, we are not that superstitious

to avoid flying during the month


it’s simply because my dad has some

temple event to attend

every Sunday throughout

a.k.a. the Hungry Ghost month


so he was suddenly mentioning

out of nowhere in the mall that

we can actually travel

on the Monday after

his event ends and

come back right for

the next on on the

subsequent Sunday


so i was immediately

checking for dates

and potential destinations



i do keep a lunar calendar

which comes in handy

for me to check on the dates

my lunar calendar app: IdeoCal Lite


i was suggesting that

as it is a quick getaway

shall we just head to

somewhere near like

Chiangmai, Hanoi or even

Angkor Wat?


he gave me a big no

for all the suggestions


okay let me do a proper research

which i quickly did

upon arriving at home



i do have a back-up itinerary

for Guangdong

let it be Shenzhen, Guangzhou

or even Shantou

as there are many other

smaller cities around

which we are yet to explore


because i discovered that

the tickets are always cheap

since there are 3 flights

on a daily basis


and i was jokingly telling

my friend that

this is an advantage

for those who wanna bao-2-lai

okay forget it


so i started checking

both routes

looks like I am in luck

plenty of cheap tickets

are still available

with good timing as well


for Guangzhou

a pair of return ticket

will cost around 1000+ MYR

AirAsia KL-Guangzhou

AirAsia KL-Guangzhou


for Shenzhen

a pair of return ticket will cost

something around 700+ MYR

AirAsia KL-ShenzhenAirAsia KL-Shenzhen



and i suddenly got this thought

to combine a Shenzhen-Guangzhou trip

which makes perfect sense

from the map

Guangdong Province Map from via Google Image


so i booked my first pair of tickets

to Shenzhen at this price

AirAsia KL-Shenzhen


and proceeded to

perform another search

for our return flight from Guangzhou

oh wait.. without smart combo

the price jumps from 338 MYR to 475 MYR

for a one way ticket

from Guangzhou to KL

AirAsia Guangzhou-KL


so i decided to look for

alternatives on Traveloka

because i have been utilizing

their promo code for direct discount

indeed they do have one

operated by Malidon at similar timing

Malindo KL-Guangzhou via Traveloka app


and this is actually better

as it is the nett price

inclusive of 30 kg luggage allowance


and not forgetting

the final step which

is the main reason which

keeps me with Traveloka

Traveloka Promo CodeTraveloka Promo CodeTraveloka Promo Code


and as a token of appreciation

i always take time to

complete their surveys

Traveloka app


and so oh my

i thought i am going to

take a two month break

before my Krabi trip in September


it kinda makes me depressed

to hear my dad saying that

he wants to travel

as much as he can

when he can still make it


so i will!!

given the right timing and weather

and wait a minute

didn’t i tell you that

Foshan is on our list


the hometown of Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee Paradise at Foshan, image from Accidental Travel Writer via Google Image


and there is a Snoopy theme park

a properly licensed one at Shunde

somewhere near Foshan

as well as Guangzhou

Snoopy Fun Fun Garden at Shunde, image from Life in Guangzhou via Google Image


a must-visit for my dad

a must-visit for me

why not both

and i accidentally just happen to

find this national park in Foshan

Mount Xijiao National Park, Foshan 佛山西樵山风 image from Tuniu, via Google Image


and re-visiting Guangzhou

our first city of arrival in China

on the summer back in 2011


so i am taking Xiamen off

from my weather list

for the time being

but who knows?



as for now

my destination list will

look something like



wait should i add KL in

as the concert we are heading to

is actually an outdoor event?


oh man

the previous time

we were there

we were soaking wet

even with raincoats on

but who cares
