Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Neither Pain X Nor Gain: April’s Rain

awake at this time

no, i have been awake

since 12:50 AM actually


trying to make progress

for a huge task

which i am going to

continue on in Ho Chi Minh

and probably Singapore too

by end of the week


it was a

not exactly an hectic week

but there were so many things

running in my mind that


i found it hard to

focus on the tasks I had

looks like everything has been

quite settled or done

besides this pending post


April has been real bad

i mean i don’t see how


the first 9 days

were spent in Hubei

which was still not bad

as i even wrote a post about



then the week after

was really slow

but i didn’t mind

because it gave me

some time to take a break

which is usually needed

after some travel


there came

the third week

i spent more than a week

chasing the new anti-corruption series

<In the Name of People



so i thought

it’s fine to slack

until the series ended


and there were two

birthdays celebrated

one for my sis and

another one for myself

so it’s fine to

slack a little bit more


and soon

April was almost over



i finally made it through

the minimum amount


with a large amount invoice

which was billed in for April

yet completed in May

over the Labour’s Day weekend


catching a bus to the airport

in 3.5 hours


till then

i think May will be going fine

at least I have secured

two large tasks for now


and both are

educational content

for young child and youth


the one for youth

is pretty interesting

about sex education


so i don’t foresee

any difficulty

doing them

at a fanciful resort

as well as a capsule bed

awaiting over the weekend


i thought of camping

at the airport, initially


but since I have

important tasks to be done

camping at the airport

may be quite risky

as i end up spending time

looking around


in a capsule bed

if i am not working

at least I will be able

to catch a good sleep