Monday, April 17, 2017

Journey to Wuhan 08: Flight Cancellation

after 4 nights in Wuhan

we switched to a cheap

apartment hotel with

really small room

for storage purpose


before we left for Wudangshan

for 3 days 2 nights

the next morning at 6 AM


were ready to go by 6AM

since our flight was at 8:50 AM

and touched down at

Shiyan Wudangshan Airport

an hour later


there was supposed to be 

an express bus to Wudangshan

but was told that

it had departed



from my research

the bus departs at 9:50 AM

just once on a daily basis


while our flight is

scheduled to touch down

at 9:50 AM too

i know right…


so as suggested by

a driver for the express bus

of another route heading downtown

i may take the bus to town

and change to a city bus to

Wudangshan instead


okay then

i didn’t catch what

he was saying properly

in his local accent


so when he dropped me

somewhere in the middle of the city

i found that there were

actually no direct bus

to Wudangshan from the city


and i had to catch

another city bus to Shiyan train station

for the bus to Wudangshan


and the bumpy bus journey

took us 1 hour and 30 minutes

Wuhan - Shiyan - Wudang


it kinda got me mad

as it made me felt that

i have planned the journey

all wrong from the very beginning


we were staying right opposite

Hankou Railway Station


it would have taken us

4 hours via train to get here

at Shiyan Railway Station

then we catch a city bus to Wudangshan


but taking flight means

an early rush to the airport at 6AM

1 hour flight to

Shiyan Wudangshan Airport


missed the direct bus to Wudangshan

and i ended up at

Shiyan Railway Station

as if I have taken a train


flight didn’t actually

save us much time

but anyway

we managed to make it there

at 3 PM in the afternoon


everything related to Wudangshan

would be parked under

a completely different

set of posts later


two days later

we were suppose to

catch a flight back to Wuhan

departing 10 AM from

Shiyan Wudangshan Airport


at 10:30 AM

was told that the flight

would be delayed due to heavy fog

Shiyan Wudangshan Airpot 十堰武當山機場


overheard conversation

saying that the flight

would probably would be canceled

since the plane which was

suppose to fly us to Wuhan

actually didn’t manage to land

and flew back to Wuhan


true enough

by 12 noon

the flight was officially cancelled

Shiyan Wudangshan Airpot 十堰武當山機場


the earliest train

back to Wuhan was at 12:10 PM

nobody could have made it

and the next one was

at 5:00 PM


my connecting flight

back to KL was 12:30 AM

thank goodness


Shiyan airport

arranged a bus transfer

for everyone who would like to

head back to the city


so we got back to the city


in the middle of nowhere

Shiyan 十堰


and caught a local bus to

the Shiyan train station

history was repeating


the frustration

i felt during the beginning

came back to me


what the hell

i was staying right opposite

Shiyan train station

on the night before


i could have just

crossed the road

grabbed a train ticket

and got a good sleep

during the 4-hour journey

back to Wuhan

Shiyan Train Station 十堰火車站


instead of

waking up early

going to the airport

got panic over

flight cancellation


and got back here

with 4 hours to kill

before i boarded the train at 5 PM

Shiyan Train Station 十堰火車站


we alighted at Hankou

4 hours later and

ran back to our

backup hotel

with only 30 minutes

to pack and go


managed to get to

the airport Station by 10:30 PM

finally took a deep breath

at least we were in the vicinity

of the airport 2 hours before departure

Wuhan Tianhe Airport 武漢天河機場



the rush was not over yet

caught a shuttle bus to the airport

it stopped at Terminal 1 (domestic)

and was told that

the bus would not proceed

to head to Terminal 2 (international)


you either have to

wait for another shuttle bus

or walk your way to Terminal 2

we actually walked our way there


Terminal 2 was

relatively way smaller

than the domestic terminal

these are the only counters available

Wuhan Tianhe Airport 武漢天河機場


it was almost midnight

yet it was super busy

at the departure hall

the 3 water dispensers

were out of water supply!

Wuhan Tianhe Airport 武漢天河機場


four flights were heading to

South East Asia

90% of the passengers

were on holiday mood

Wuhan Tianhe Airport 武漢天河機場


flight refund?

what a pity

it was 1/5 of what

i initially paid for

as taxes and fees

as well as the compulsory

hotel promo vouchers were

apparently not refundable


Flight refund Ctrip


but anyway

our loss has already been

minimized to the max

being able to make our way back home

psstt.... This is a vintage Woodstock


Journey to Wuhan 01: Almost Mid-night

Journey to Wuhan 02: Yellow Crane Tower 黃鶴樓

Journey to Wuhan 03: Hubu Alley 戶部巷

Journey to Wuhan 04: Jianghan Road Pedestrian Street 江漢路步行街

Journey to Wuhan 05: Hubei Provincial Museum 湖北省博物館

Journey to Wuhan 06: Wuhan Museum 武漢博物館

Journey to Wuhan 07: Changchun Taoist Temple 長春觀

Journey to Wuhan 08: Flight Cancellation