Tuesday, March 21, 2017

To Book or Not to X More Travel Blue: Good Timing Rules

this is a real story

about trip planning which

land me in quite a headache

like never before given

the amount of people

flight booking on Traveloka


that’s the price

we actually managed to KIV

last Saturday which is not too bad

Traveloka – MAS – KL-TOKYO

flight booking on Traveloka


for flying during peak season

on a full service carrier

with good timings too

although the amount looks

slightly daunting for a start

Traveloka – MAS – KL-TOKYO

flight booking on Traveloka


peak season is the period where

you don’t expect good deals

and it can even be more expensive

to travel on a low cost carrier

one left? at that price?

on top of meal and luggage fees?

AirAsia (Official) – KL-TOKYO

flight booking on AirAsiaflight booking on AirAsia


then I went on to get busy

as last Saturday was

one of the busiest weekend ever

juggling 3 deadlines, due by EOD

all with zero progress

and managed to get some bookings done

My First China Domestic Flight

But First, Off to Silverland Jolie



i didn’t check it

throughout the whole Sunday

was outside almost the whole day

since it was first my work-free Sunday

for more than 2 weeks


and when I clicked open

9 something on Sunday night

shoooot i forgot

that’s the MATTA Travel Fair week

Traveloka – MAS/JAL - KL-TOKYO

flight booking on Traveloka


was texting my sister

trying to tell her

but she thought i was

trying to tell her something

unimportant and pretended that

she wasn’t around!!


and yesterday

the price didn’t fall, obviously

and i was busy the whole day again


and that’s the current

cheapest flight available

Traveloka – SQ(Indirect) - KL-TOKYO

flight booking on Traveloka


12 hours transit?

no way!!

Traveloka – SQ(Indirect) - KL-TOKYO

flight booking on Traveloka


the same tickets we KIV-ed

last Saturday would have cost

Traveloka – MAS - KL-TOKYO

flight booking on Traveloka


that’s almost a 5k difference in MYR

Traveloka – MAS - KL-TOKYO

flight booking on Traveloka


the other alternative

would be splitting the booking

into two bookings

and secure whichever tickets

at a lower price before the rest


changing dates is not feasible

as we are travelling with kids

and not every working adult

in the group is a freelancer like me


that’s the cheapest solution for

flying one day earlier

Traveloka – Cathay - KL-TOKYO

flight booking on Traveloka


yet the timings are not ideal

and flights operated by Dragon Air

is pretty small, similar to low cost

Traveloka – Cathay - KL-TOKYO

flight booking on Traveloka


almost giving up already

then i remember CTrip

no harm trying

who knows

or i can just see

how ridiculous the price

can actually get



this is actually not bad


flight booking on CTripflight booking on CTrip


and even better

if we are okay with

shifting the dates one day earlier


flight booking on CTripflight booking on CTrip


just out of curiosity

how much would the same flight

cost on the official website?

i did this exercise once

and let’s do it again


MAS (official) - KL-TOKYO

flight booking on MAS



but then

1 adult and 1 child are holding

expired passports right now

and I am given the instruction to


proceed with the other 5

instead of waiting for them

to get their passports renewed


moral of the story

- flight booking is a now or never thing

- would be great to survey on different platforms

- make sure your passports are active!!!