Sunday, July 12, 2015

SxS Kitchen: No-Fail Simple Chocolate Cake

googled for no-fail cake

keyword: NO-FAIL and found this

recipe adapted from Bake for Happy Kids

since it clearly states the quantity in grams


250g butter

280g self-raising flour

(skip baking powder as the flour is ready-mix)

180g caster sugar

4 eggs

spoonfuls of milk

spoonfuls of cocoa powder


basically it’s a simple process of

beating the ingredients into batter

with a hand mixer

by adding them in along the way


No-Fail Simple Chocolate Cake

mix butter and sugar


add in egg one-by-one 


add in flour gradually

mix.. mix..

milk and cocoa powder


reduced the quantity of milk

since the batter is already quite runny


until the batter is well-mixed

creamy and consistent

No-Fail Simple Chocolate Cake


pour the batter into baking pan(s )

bake at pre-heated oven at 180’

for 45 mins

tried poking it with a toothpick and

see if it comes out clean

No-Fail Simple Chocolate Cake


surprisingly not really greasy

No-Fail Simple Chocolate Cake



you sure it’s edible?

the texture is slightly coarse

but overall ok

No-Fail Simple Chocolate Cake