Saturday, August 30, 2014

End of Summer X Time to Get Sober: Closing Chapter

I mean

it’s time to

do a closing chapter to

a crazy month of ups and downs


so they say

no pain no gain

go insane or remain the same

i grow stronger through experiences

thank you so much for playing the parts


as time goes by

i would never forget

it’s just that i fill myself

with more and better memory

the old one are being washed away

yet they are being stored somewhere

never forgotten never forgiven never ever


attached please find

the clippings of the 23 posts

so this epilogue is officially the 24th

some are written in bus, some half-asleep

i am never that passionate about something, have I?

1, Aug

專一 X 轉移:我隨意


5, Aug

Chinese Boys X Not my Kind: Reasons as Described

As described

6, Aug

崇拜 X 淪為嗨拜:洗牌!

Am i in?

6, Aug

甜派 X 快到我碗里來:洗牌2!

Yes i guess so

7, Aug

Happiness is X Chatting All Night: & Not Wanting to Say Good Night

Staying up

all night

8, Aug

聊天 X 吸(戒)煙:我們的一天

Typical day

at work

9, Aug

說好沒得見 X 突然卻出現:差點被揭發,好險!

Surprise visit

10, Aug

沒錢 X 哪來十全:男朋友的條件

What exactly

am i looking for

13. Aug

Happiness is X …: It’s You, I Miss

Missing badly

15, Aug

那年18很38 X 今天xx滿是傷疤:我還好吧?

Simplicity & (in)security

15, Aug

藍色信紙 X 泛黃信封:致未來的第13瘋

The 13th letter to

my future partner,

f.. him

16, Aug

Kebaya Top X Can be So Dope: Surprise! *Sob*

Heart robbed by

this heartthrob

16, Aug

Non-Stop-Haunted X Love-Intoxicated: Can I be Your Baby? <Translated>


17, Aug

Seriously? X Intoxicated, Undeniably: 7 Facts about Mr Fat Perry

As above

19, Aug

快瘋啦! X 去哪啦?:不讓我擔心,好嗎?


21, Aug

小心眼 X 突然浮現: 為你,I Got No Complaint


with jealousy

22, Aug

世界很小 X 四面墻角:休想走掉


25, Aug

切勿靠近 X 束手就擒:少爺的德性


26, Aug

狂戀 X 失戀:只差一線

Love vs lose

27, Aug

幾點上線 X 全都看見:滿滿掛念

What else can i do?

28, Aug

*咳咳* X 他真是我哥哥:你早問我不就好了

Effort in waste

29, Aug

Craps! X Think M’ Sacked: Where’s D Fkin’ Map


30, Aug

陷深 X 換傷身:你這般認真
