Thursday, January 26, 2012

Good Complexion X Home Solution: New Year Resolution

SK-II TVC has always been a huge success

throughout the years

which I think are contributed by

  • familiar faces
  • simple presentation
  • catchy tagline
  • yet, spoken in everyday language


and the new one

is particularly convincing to me

probably because

now I am at the age

to demand for the same result

as she wants


SK-II TVC featuring Tang Wei 湯唯


that’s what every girl

would dream of

a flawless skin


a miracle


looking good without make-up

is what I always want to have

not that I apply thick make-up everyday



and I am completely at confident

without make-up in public

(thick spec is the only thing

which completely crash my confidence level)


but I do use foundation

and it indeed works

to control oil

brighten and even up complexion

and also to

cover large pores and acne scar


wonderful, right

just a single product can do so more


but I don’t believe that,

as claimed by some product..

especially BBC… BB cream

application of foundation like this

can help to improve your skin

in the long run


no way!!

if it does

then people won’t have to spend thousands

on skin-care products and facial treatment

if merely a BBC foundation

can do everything good

be thankful if it doesn’t do the opposite


Make-up and skin care products

are two different things



that would be my new year resolution

if it is not too late yet


before that

I was quite relaxed about skin care

because I thought I was too young to worry

the problems, especially the oil

will cease when the time comes


well.. I am still YOUNG now of course

but I realize one thing for a fact

oil on the face and acne

can actually be prevented, calmed, got ridden

and it should be done

before acne scars remain permanently


but another fallacy I got is that

my tan skin is the best protection shield

since it just sweep all the flaws

under the carpet

I know right

that’s the damn typical ostrich attitude


to improve the condition of my skin

so that it will glow

without any make-up

glow in the natural way

minus the shiny grease


the ad below will tell you

what a woman wants for her skin:

what a girl wants, what a girl needs

  • fairness
  • glow
  • smoothness 
  • firmness
  • wrinkle-free


SK-II TVC / Tang Wei 湯唯 & Angelica Lee 李心潔


for me

more importantly

the challenge is to

achieve the goal

by much lesser cost

using various home remedies


I say

miracle is a nay

Rome wasn’t built in one day

this would be a long long way

yet great effort will always pay



*clap clap*


first step

started before X'mas last year

homemade pore strip

the result is amazing

home-made pore strip


the full schedule

coming soon….