Sunday, September 4, 2011

Stupid Cat X Stop That: You’re Not My Pet

I suspect

two of my housemates

have been feeding this visitor

and they even name her, JESSICA

oh my

what a lovely name

cat on the stove


but one problem about this cat is

she will never know her boundary

I think most cats are like that

once, caught coming into the living room

hence the kitchen door and windows

have to be all closed at night


two weeks ago

I was the only person at home

sleeping without locking my door

she actually pushed open the door

and came in meow-ing around


in the middle of sleepiness and confusion

I was really pissed

caught it out

“please don’t come again

I don’t have any food for you”


today came back

still the only one at home

as usual

opened up the room window

for some ventilation


and as you may or may not

be informed

my room is the maid room

no direct contact with fresh air and sun

its window opens to the kitchen


the struggle happened at least 3 times

why can’t you just leave me alone,


and I even have friends

Jessica and Cat, respectively

can I just address you as

the stupid stubborn cat

keep sneaking into my room


I don’t cook with the stove

yet I think this is extremely unhygienic

the fur… ewwwh

and you will never know

where else does she loiter to

and the poo-poo pee-pee issue

please just get out


it’s not that I am cruel towards animals

especially the stray one

I feed them, talk to them

but coming into my room

is seriously too much

even human doesn’t enter my room all the time

this is my private space, get it?

time to go out, stupid cat


but what to do

if there is someone who continues to feed her

she will keep coming back

and I am the worst victim

we need a family voting, please


sorry to cat lovers out there

I may be cruel

I just can’t stand stray cat in my room

Phi Phi catat least he knows his boundary


*latest update*

12 hours later

looks like Jessica has learnt her lesson

no I did not do anything cruel to her

except some friendly advice

stay where you are

and I may consider sharing some snacks with you

good girl Jessica


1 hour later

no way

I was just away from my room for 5 minutes

there she was again

went around, ransacking

then landed herself comfortably

underneath my bed



the negotiation has failed

fell on deaf ear

refusing to listen



dragged her out

next minute

you see

that’s why

I will never allow her in

the cat is ransacking the trash bin



I still leave my window wide open

she is still hanging around

I just wanna give her some proper training

: do not come into the room

or you would be dragged out

no matter what


please do not challenge my patience

please stay where you are