Thursday, August 18, 2011

Merdeka X Pre-Raya: Accidentally Bought Puma & Zara

a public holiday

in the middle of the week

I don’t even know why there is one


thought that

after the vacation and dilly dally

this is a good day

to catch up with my work


quietly and peacefully

and I have even planned

what I will cook for the whole day


never thought I would end up at

Mid Valley today

waking up at 8 am

tuning into the Breakfast Show as usual

logged in FB

then found this message

by Her Highness, Queen Atillah


she was asking

whether we should go out


we so totally should


being like so close

for almost 6 months

we have never actually

hang out together

during schooldays

out of school compound


and I shall take the opportunity

to introduce her

to my all time favourite mall

Mid Valley


but well

now more like a public transport hub

for me

since I always take bus here

in order to switch to the train

heading down to Bandar Tasik Selatan

for a bus back to Melaka

forget it

in short..

it is a long way to go



I came out with the 9.20 a.m. bus

while she went from Cyberjaya

reaching Mid Valley right before 11 a.m.


to my horror

in the middle of rushing out

I forgot to insert battery

back to my camera

to me

going out without a camera

is more awful than without a phone



all the photos taken

were from Atillah’s Blackberry


in conjunction with Raya and Merdeka

the sales was going on

and you can see

people actually shopped

the queue at counters

the handful of shopping bags


you know

sometimes yeah

there is a crowd

but those who actually buy

are not that much


we walked around

her motivation was

to aim for items

then bring her parents

who are coming over

before the Raya break


for me

this is our first outing today

I didn’t plan to shop at all

it is just to hang out

purely recreational purpose


somehow somehow

we ended up in Zara


I enter

just to check out what’s new

for the particular season

or any interesting cross-over

especially the cartoon tees


I always came out empty-handed

since sales is something so rare


doesn’t mean

it doesn’t happen at all

is it so fortunate

or such a misfortune

for me to

bumped into massive sales at Zara today


the Keep-In-View system went on

all the items I desired for

keep in mind-walk around-reconsider

to avoid impulsive shopping symptom


here were all the items

first and foremost

nude colour heels

Zara nude colour heels



it has been something

I always look out for

yet since I hardly wear heels

this may not be a good investment

the pair of MNG suede black

I got earlier on this year

has never left my home sweet home

not even once


having second thought is a must


while I was putting on

the other lady who was putting on

some other pairs

were sharply eyeing at them

trying on the Zara heels


with competition comes motivation

OMG that happened when

I was trying out the MNG heels too

then I was all tempted to buy


looking around

this was the one and only pair

desperately, suspicious-lookingly

what I did was

to hide it at a dark corner

just in case

if I was really all determined to buy it


second item

a Hanna-Barbara crossover

Yogi bear and Boo Boo


I hid it at a corner in the

whole stack of marked-down tops

ransacked and to be ransack

Yogi Bear and Boo shirt by Zara


third items

there were a few more left


hiding up the item is not so necessary

Zara blue mini dress


how about this

nautical jacket

so sophisticated

so expensive, too 

the New Arrival price

nautical jacket


went for lunch

then just wandered around

trying to take my mind off Zara

and guess who did I bump into

smurf plush toys for the movie


without a doubt

these angels are so cute

yet quite pricey

Brainy, Chef, Gargamel


but wait a minute

before that

why was there a backpack

I came out in the morning

with a cloth tote

more smurfs of different sizes


accidentally, unintentionally

ended up at the sport department of Jusco

telling Atillah about the story

two years back

right here

on how I had a close shave

with my dream sneakers

and ahem

up till today

I could not find back similar one



a backpack in blue

40% off

please do not tell me

it actually goes well with

my look of the day

Puma backpack


then I did not keep this in view

directly bought it

then instantly used it

backpack always comes in handy

during backpacking

that’s why the name: backpacking

right right


afternoon tea

what else but this

before the long journey back

smooth-sailing, I would say

French toast at Kim Gary



what did I end up buying

back to my beloved camera back home please


directly skipping to loots of the day

I nude colour heels

with detailed finishing


II blue mini dress 

blue mini dress


III bermuda shorts with suspender

in the piles of items

noticed it once

but not the right colour and right size

then discovered this particular pair

during the second visit

Bermuda shorts with suspender


actually I have been

wanting to try out

this messenger-boy look

still scouting for the right pair of suspender

but isn’t it better

if it comes together with the pants

fit in perfectly, well-buttoned in place

and it is detachable

to be worn as everyday item

suspender attached by buttons


so I accidentally found this

in substitute for the Yogi Bear shirt

which I hid at a corner

ransacked for so many rounds

all I found is L size

which doesn’t look as nice


CSI deduction:

guess the person who got it

was holding the L size piece

then she found the M

which is more fitting

hence throwing the L

back into the sea

and fled with my

not-so-well-hidden M

it’s okay

it’s just fate

all i am left with is memory


IV Puma fitness backpack

why is it so awesome

beside the 40% discount

my huge bottle fits in there

and hey

sometimes I can even put an umbrella in there

Nike bottle x Puma bag


it can be hand-carried

if you just do not feel like shouldering it

Puma hand carrier


it is so comfortably light


shoulder straps


the inner side

which gives a soft oceanic touch

compartments all over

even with the ring to

attach a bunch of keys or something

inner compartments


dessert-story time

the suspender comes with the INDITEX tag

yup it is the mother group for Zara

the top 5 clothing retailer world wide




we met a guy on plane

with the same INDITEX tag


the whole world knows it’s Zara

the tag!!


and we met again

5 days later

on the same flight again

how on earth could we recognized him


isn’t it so freaking obvious

hush puppies


the brand mentality

at this part of the world

impress people with the brands


Zara plastic bag for sales

the girl queue-ing up in front of me

spent rm 89 on a plain shirt

with Zara written in glittery letters

she got a paper bag

I spent considerable amount

on discounted items

all I got is trash bags

oh should I just keep it for littering

for special occasions

so that people actually know I buy Zara

Zara black plastic bag


do we really buy products

for the sake of the brand

and showing it off

that’s so unbearable

and I actually have a friend

who does that

so freaking disgusting

and it is a HIM, as well


for me

I will definitely buy

marked-down items only

style and price would be given

higher priority than brands


just to show you a simple example

the pair of pants which costs Euro 25.95

first landed in Malaysia, RM 159.90

then being marked down to RM 139.90

second round at RM 99.90

till I got it for RM 69.90

price marking down


the same goes to the blue mini dress

made a debut at RM 119.90

then fell to RM 99.90

further plunging down to RM 69.90

and finally landed at my place for RM 49.90


the heels ?

RM 279

down down down down

ultimately I paid less than RM 100 for them




no matter how cheap they are

this trip still costs me a fortune

and hope it can last me quite awhile

until the next shopping post to appear


good day

and happy shopping