Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Silicone Case x All-angle Stand: Gifts for iStephru

after more than 6 months in service

finally iStephru is getting her proper new clothes


i know it is so unfair for her

i mean like something so dear, precious to me

yet i refuse to take good care of her

buy investing in a proper casing or something


only screen protector

and the rm 5 cloth case from Daiso

but that case is awesome

i mean for rm 5

washable, light and chic design

but obviously it is just a A4 case

for papers and stationery

not meant for an iPad


i have been looking

but i don’t really like those professional looking one

it always come in very formal and executive-like design

black / leather / symmetrical shapes 

and so so expensive too


therefore i didn’t buy any

waiting for the price to be more affordable

for the designs to be more variable


today walked in a phone accessory store


Cheryl was asking about case for iPad 2

so i just randomly asked about the price

and surprisingly low from what i have expected

so finally the market has been de-niche-d


so i got a grey semi-transparent silicone case

clean and simple design

good enough for me


still refusing to get a briefcase-like

which support standing

but here is the option

any-angle metal stand

adjustable height as you like it

just screw it

i mean literally, turning the bolt at both sides

iPad case & stand


so happy

finally i can read book

and still lazing around on the bed

and one hand holding my cookies

pillow on the other