Thursday, September 16, 2010

On a Holiday Morning Like This Pt I

I slept pretty early yesterday


so woke up at 5am

blogged for awhile

and went out for a walk at 7.30

it is a public holiday, again..

all I want to do is 

walk, walk, walk


1st stop

played with some pigeons

approaching them

thought they would all fly

struggling to flip their wings

like those killer thriller

but boo.. it’s not fun

they didn’t fly high

just landed 30cm away

and walked back to the same spot

either they are too hungry

or maybe I just look too harmless and innocent

they were eatingas i got closer...they were being alerted... escape!!!boo.. they didn't fly high, as i have imaginedcriss-crossing cables


there’s where I abandoned my long hair

6 months ago

see here for the details of the tragic incident



if you want Bollywood style

it is just next door



all quiet today

Baby Jaz is still sleeping at home

there’s one thing I can’t understand at all

the Mandarin name is “Ali Baba”

and the Malay is just Taman Ria


or maybe Ali Baba is already a trademarked term

Ali Babapretty cozy old house


and across the road

that’s mine!!

Tadika Banda Hilir

when were were five


you can’t litter because

this is a private property


then I can litter on a public property

as I want to?




told cha we will get a new jail museum soon

why didn’t you believe in me, for once

Jail turning into a Jail Museum


knock knock

does Edward stay here

I want to trim mine back home too

Edward's art


that’s the market

commonly known as the “11 storey” market

but it is no longer true

the 11 storey police flat has been flattened

my grandmother used to sell Laksa here

quite a famous stall

and sometimes she treated those prisoners

who were clearing weeds

that was so so long ago

she passed away before I was even born

11 storey market


*heaving a sigh*

luckily it’s not innerwear

hanging by a moment


for those who don’t read Mandarin

the direct translation means

“five continents big shark”

the sharky restaurant


Melaya Raya

7.30 in the morning

on a public holiday

Independence RoadMT..go ahead and dance across the road


that’s the art of poo-ing

I better be hurry

before I get it too



there are quite a couple of legal firms

along the road

some interesting one

Betty Chew, Mrs. Chief Minister of Penang楊家將

until today, i can't believe this is a legal firm



nice belt



lovely wooden window pane up there

Baba Nyonya restaurant?

sorry to disappoint you

it’s just

artisticWatson, Your Personal Store



I still want to ask the question

why are they using the 2k rental shop lot

as a frozen store

FuFua frozen


nice fence-door

fully painted in blue and red

even the side one too

red and blue


too tired from the long walk

stop by for a Thai massage

but at 8am in the morning

nice :)



I want to make believe

I am in Empire State of Mind Again

Hatten Square


the government is throwing loads dough

to keep these lovely flowers alive

so please don’t vandalize them

pink flower in the city


then the Battery is Empty sign popped up

I have to make an U-turn

initially thought I gonna go for a decent breakfast

and continue longer


oh no!!

goodbye everyone
