Saturday, August 28, 2010

Capitol Satay Celup

hey, spotted a by passer in blue T

went across the road

to take photo of the queue

woot, nice Accord 2525 


we went at 5.30pm

so the queue was not that bad yet

like 10 peoples in front?

can you see my manager,

the one in the striking orange polo T

emphasis here it’s a Ralph Lauren from UK

she doesn’t wear fake one from Polo Haus okay

that's My Manager, her mummy and Mr. Wilson after all, it's a Saturday.. so this is considered not bad


and here i was

buying ice cream

perfectly sure that

by the time we finish the ice cream

we will still be queue-ing

uncle, i like your baby blue shirt


how she loves the ice cream

when was the last time you take

this kind of ice cream

the taste is…. rich

with durian, choc, corn, yam

all in one

forget about your fat free gelato

expensive Haagen

and Macs Sundae Cone

this is the best ice cream on the whole planet

because it tastes like your childhood

with an ice-cream treat, Ms. Manager is the happy-go-lucky kid again


the queue was getting longer

when it was approaching 6pm

the queue is getting longer


but we had a great time queue-ing

told Carly and mom

loads of story to tell

i used to hang out here like

7 days a week

at the tuition centre across the road


this aquarium belongs to my friend’s dad

the whole family is famous for

wearing short pants

i am talking about those hot pants

the dad is always wearing a singlet

and it covers the pants

from far you may actually think that

this uncle is not wearing any pants at all

spotted a child, aged 3

“pantless” too with a Cookies Monster shirt

OMG is he the grandchild

inheriting the hot pants culture too

Pisces Aquarium & Pet Shop and New Shanghai Hotel


finally we were approaching the shop

the vision and mission of the restaurant

is printed large and clear high up therefinally...    don't be misled okay.. thank you


salute the professional waiters

now they have a black polo T uniforms

and erm…

all of them are wearing short-pants

influenced by the hot-pants neighbours?

i always like the sunny beach mural


hall of fame

the boss is the one in yellow jersey

as we can notice

he is always wearing soccer jersey

that day he happened to be wearing Arsenal

and this was the night Arsenal beat Blackburn, 6-0

ha he is such a genius

Hall of Fame


Ms Carly and Mr Wilson

went choose the stuffs

while i was idling

Carly and Wilson picking stuffs, i just slacked lo


the poor ang-mo eating opposite

since we were still queue-ing outside

there were some disgruntled voice

how can he be so selfish

eating alone yet occupying a table

while there are so many people queue-ing out there


i guess he can feel those disapproving looks

casted on him

that’s why he ordered two drinks instead of one

and he ate real fast and ciao

angmo alone, poor baby, can i join you??


so sorry

i thought it was fish maw

till they tell me it’s pork skin

such a faker isn’t it

claim that i don’t eat any “inner parts”

but it doesn’t apply to fish

i quite like fish maw in fact



don’t you like the boiling, overflowing lava

it feels like being in a camp-fire

music please..

darn.. i don’t even know what songs

they usually play during a camp-fire

let's get it started


first bite

as a herbivore

i attack the kangkung

since i don’t eat any “inner-part”



kept criticizing what a herbivore i am

manager gave me this

thanks :)

so i am not a 100% vegetarian ok




ate 12 in total

what’s your record?

i was quite full actually



actually it tastes good

but not really that great that

everyone would like to spend 1 hour queue-ing

just to eat this

it’s ridiculous


but it is the experience

that make it unique

that make it so famous


after standing with empty tummy

by the dusty roadside

for more than 30 minutes

and all you can do is

to inhale the fragrance in the air

what ever that you put into your mouth

will definitely taste good

especially hot boiling stuffs


and can see loads of avid photographers

with SL snapping photos

or with normal digicam, like mine

of the historical buildings around

of the dilapidating back lanes

of the exciting faces in the queue


that makes the difference

compared to walking into

some other restaurants

get seated and order right away

you eat then you leave


here when you left

you can’t help feeling a little grateful while

looking at the queue getting longer out there

you can’t help praising yourself for being

the considerate one by finishing fast

and let the poor souls outside have their chance


what’s next


Little India of Melaka

Carly’s mom grabbed 8 packs of Murukku flour

her OneMalaysia passion for Murukku

make it for CNY, Diwali and

this time round it’s for Hari Raya

@ Devibala loads of flour indeed



and when the night fell

here we were again

Jonker Street




my tongue got burnt

because i dipped a small piece of bread

into the boiling lava

and ate it instantly

as if i just dipped it into tomato sauce

foolishly enough, yet luckily

it happened at the end of the feast

or else…
