Sunday, January 10, 2010

Mum’s Kitchen: Homemade Sambal

add in the tumeric paste stir it well     forming the thicker texture      keep stirring      6 and 1/2 containers        so good even to eat it on its own


we are chili-eating people

practically everything can be eaten with chili

the plate of cut chili in light soy sauce

on every single meal

green chili pickled with vinegar

and last but not least

the best chili ever, Sambal


the amount of chili my mom cooks

looks kinda scary

it can last for one month i think


chili, shallot, lemongrass, buah keras, turmeric

are the basic ingredients


how can we manage to finish so much of sambal

- while eating dried meehoon kuih,

sambal with fried anchovies is a must

- dried prawn chili, 蝦米香

- curry and rendang base

- it’s even good as spread for bread and plain crackers


last sem i brought a can of 蝦米香 here

sambal fried with dried prawn

and it lasted me for the whole sem

a superb dinner can be prepared within 10 minutes

mee with dried prawn sambal paste 


the good thing about chili

is the jolly good warm after-feeling


i miss chili a lot

after i came to Singapore

and  i realized people here

don’t cherish spicy food

as much as we do back there

Malaysian, truly Malaysian
