Thursday, December 19, 2013

Curtain Call 2013: Shopping Sheet

Shopping Trips

Jan 2013:

More KIV X Insider's Tips: First of 2013


Feb 2013:

Chambray Fever X Hyper Tribal: The Hunt’s Over


Mar 2013:

Here X There: Buying, Where?

Tour MisPresence X Weak Resistance: New & Balanced


July 2013:

Tribal X Naval: Out from Social Withdrawal


Oct 2013:

Accidentally Ahem.. X Walking into H&M: Ended Up Looting’em

PromoCode Offer X Cant Get Clumsier: Double Order at Quiksilver

Long Bought X Almost Forgotten: Batches of Loots, Unreported


Dec 2013:

Nauti X Monkey: Pair of Sweaters for Me

Items Purchased

Category Total purchase Description
Dress 6 tribal print
royal blue mullet
black jumper dress
nautical stripes
Shirt 2 Peanuts UT (gift) X 2
cropped blue
tribal tee (gift)
cropped black slogan
tank 3 beach essentials
grey tribal pink
white spag top
5 plain white Oxfie
navy blue jumper
grey cardie
nautical jumper x 2
Shorts 3 tribal print
baby blue
blue plaid
Shoes 2 tribal canvas
black flats
Sneakers 2 NB u420
Vans Oxfie
Flip flops 1 tribal black
Bags 2 QS duffle
QS backpack


Summary of Performance

way less compared to 2012

Curtain Call 2012: Shopping Sheet

dress category still tops the list

but has been cut down from 17 to 6

bags from 7 to 1


it still exceed the budget set

a harmless 10% excess

I therefore conclude

it wasn’t too bad a year


the amount of items are greatly reduced

and there are a few items which cost

quite a bit of dollars

which mean that the spending are made

based on quality more than quantity


Factors leading to the Reduction

less shopping trips

thanks to the Saturday class and

dissertation writing


frankly speaking

my wardrobe is kinda saturated already

besides tribal prints

I don’t see myself diverting from

wearing blue, black, white, grey


being anti-social is

in a way good for your budget


but wait, there’s online shopping

I made my first ever purchase of clothes

those bags from QS

which is considered vow-breaking

because I have promised that

I would never buy clothes online


and being in the critical stage of


at times I really don’t know

what should I be wearing for my age

so I might as well stop buying and

get contended with what I have


first half of the year

until late summer

I found myself struggling to fit in

some pairs of jeans and shorts


so I started some workout

which worked out pretty fine

and so I found myself “resurrecting”

some clothes I thought I will never

be wearing again


in other words

working out is good for

your shopping budget too

since you will be happily fitting in

the pair of 18 year-old skinny jeans

so why bothered to buy new one?


shopping is turned into a form of reward

after a long routine which

produces results


any clothes are more likely to look good

provided you have got a lovely shape

that’s for sure


Looking Forward 2014

the only item in mind right now is to

replace the pair of plain black bikinis I lost


sheer stupidity

Lost X Never Found: My backpack on the Ground


the rest just let it be

since I have similar items

which makes the loss less painful


I started to have this feeling

it’s a form of punishment for

having too many items

buying one after another

although they appear to be similar

so it’s a lesson to teach me

one is good enough


why bothered to buy a new backpack

if the old one is still alive and kicking

so the old one is meant to be lost

the same goes to the royal blue dress

and the pull string bag


may the loss

teach me something good
