Tuesday, August 3, 2010


just walked out of the theatre

less than an hour ago

awesome movie


at first i had serious doubt

whether i will understand the movie

because i am not really

a great fan of Sci-fi

and the movie is 2h30mins long

i not gonna survive that long


to the contrary

i enjoyed the whole of 2h30mins

one thing i like about this sci-fi

is that it doesn’t involve any

complicated gadgets

and scientific theory

which i dread so much


all you have to understand are

subconscious, projection and

Inception of course

and maybe extraction too


it is more about a conspiracy

and the men involved are just

normal people like us

with their own specialization

nothing supernatural is involved

the chemist

the architect and so on


and about the strong ties

the Fitchers

Cobb & his wife

and James & Phillipa


my eyes were tearful

during the last scene

where Phillipa and James

finally turned to their daddy


not forgetting the panoramic scenes

especially the mirror images in Paris

the city Dom and Mal built together

and the snowy city


i do agree to some important points

mentioned in the movie

in dreams.. you will never remember

how it begins…

just the end


and i do believe in Catharsis

ok Carly and mom are here

see ya soon
