Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Post Hostel Eating Habit

from block G

to block D

to block 17

G303 D51117-5-B


i believe for those who have stayed in hostel before

you will somehow suffer from this

so-called PHED

well you know how a hostel room

has got a very limited space

standardized table, bed, a chair

and that’s all


so i  tend to eat on the bed


enjoying drama

enjoying ebook

enjoying music

while happily munching something

and even while mugging


so while i am back at home now

i actually miss the days

of enjoying food in those little rooms


but back home

we don’t eat in the room, do we

Mum will come and blah blah blah

till you surrender and

just quickly swallow everything

and get back to your laptop


and remember too

don’t eat while you are

messing with your keyboard

another round of blah blah blah


what i did yesterday


a little rebellious

i ate GCB on the Cow Cow bed


and thick Horlicks with a Horlick spoon

without a coaster

imagine if this spill

cow cow bedsheet will smell

real milky tonight


home alone

is dangerous indeed

for a bad kid like me

sometimes Dad will ask

what are the ants doing in the room

oh must be YOU!!!

no la.. maybe it’s ah B

lol.. my poor niece
