Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Stop & Stare & I Cried

two weeks ago went for the interview

ok got the job

without much troubles


so after the summer break

i will be given a new life

of a LOL


9-5 Mon-Fri

it will do me good


today first day at work

given a desk

but hardly work here

because have to work

at the public workstation

for the computer


my boss was saying

hang on a moment

and they were gossiping behind me

so they said

this is Monday Blue


i can feel the strong presence

of office politic in here

once they were looking for a doc

a Malay girl couldn’t find it

so the two who found said

haiz this is Malay



it so happened that

sis and her whole family

were at the firm

reading of will

of her belated mother-in-law

haha isn’t it familiar

if you are a TVB fan


but no worries

their are a happy family case

whole family went down to my house

for lunch after the will-reading

they know the big boss well enough

but the connection between me

and them are unknown


1st task was Word doc

still ok.. going well

my nightmare begun later on

told my boss i never use typewriter before

she said just trial and error

figured everything on my own

and i retyped the 2 pages doc

for 5 times


typewritten words look

very retro, lively

but don’t mess with them

even your wpm on keyboard is great

the typewritter keyboard

requires a shooting skill

shoot the key down hard and fast

otherwise there will be spaces or overlaps  


when i looked into the calendar

all i was concerned with

are the public holidays

is it the same for all the LOL?

just staring at those red one stamps and more stamps


lunch with another two colleagues

met another colleague who came back

from the 12pm slot

“hey didn’t you ask the other one out?”

“her slot is 12, it’s supposed to be you!!”



our conversations were

less than ten sentences in total


i need greens to heal my

imbalanced soul

green lunch


after the typewriting was done

another nightmare

filling up a certain forms

clues are from all the past docs

SPA, form 16, form 14, 2B

endless list

some in English

some in Malay


i couldn’t help but

to countdown to 5.30pm

this is the only first day

how torturous it would be

to countdown days till the end of the month


i need the sun

more than ever

was crying in the car

if this doesn’t suit me

then what will

where is my destination

finally off


continued back home

till my eyes were all swollen


stop and stare

i know i am going

but i got no where

there’s always a call

if you have read Jack London before


but the voice is too weak

and i can’t even track the direction

it is coming from
