Thursday, August 5, 2010

Got a Crush on iP Boy

it was a Friday night

was on the 10pm flight

HK to KL, alright


didn’t have the mood

to sleep, as usual

and surprisingly

didn’t even feel cold

despite wearing the sleeveless dress

i got a feeling

tonight gonna be a good good night


at first was reading some mags

then drafting blogs

was so engrossed in it

till i saw something..


oh boy

the boy one seat away

he was iPad-ing


all of the sudden

i was so excited that

i shook my dad

who was quite asleep already

so was the Angmo beside me,

taking the window seat

zzzzz-ing with

loud music blasting from the earphone


half awoke, he said

yeah, i have seen it just now

then fell back into his dream


he was playing some Scrabbles

and for the next 2 hours

i was looking at him

like every 15 minutes


the fun that seemed to pop up

from the small screen

seemed to be non-exhaustive

driving like a real steering,

crooning to tunes from i-tune

some designing software

playing more games

browsing google maps



arrgh i was going crazy

not only over the small toy

but the boy too


stylish chic

reasonably muscular

white t with grey print

navy blue pants

grey hidden socks

brown leather shoes


and a blue Ralph Lauren hand carrier

and a mini black luggage (which was seen much later)

yup that’s what a vain little thing i am


once in a while

he was looking in my direction too

must be wondering

what a weirdo so-po

desk with stacked up mags, book

untouched sandwich

almost messy hair

vehemently writing in a little notebook

flipping the book with incredible speed

and sometimes smiling to herself


i wrote a little note

wanted to pass to him

but there was no way

to execute my mission


although we were sitting so near

seat 27C and 27E

it is an ocean apart

the walkway

and the main hindrance was

the man fast asleep on seat 27D

my dad…

it was as impossible as walking through

the China Great Wall

(yet David Copperfield once did it)


this seemed ridiculous

if he found out

if i was alone

doubtlessly i will take the chance


arrgh didn’t give up

with the little note crumbled

see if i have the chance

when we were about to land

will quietly threw this into his

Ralph Lauren



he was fast ahead in the line

and when we were heading

towards the building

after alighting

the entourage was cut into half

by the security people

since a plane was landing nearby

he disappeared from my eye sight


at the immigration counters

he checked in at counter 17

so he is holding an international passport

while i went to the local lane 27


baggage collection

he was there tidying up

his luggage

at a corner


while claiming our baggage

5 in total

trying hard to revive my camera

this is my last chance

it’s now or never

to snap a photo of him

but it was already too too late

should have done it earlier on the plane


my camera had died off

around 3pm at Lantau

tried to charge it at the airport

but the power plugs there were not working

damn it


i remember the iPad

the clothes, so nautical

the humbly waxed Buffon

the Ralph Lauren bag

even asking Cheryl to

get me one at UK soon

but a big missing piece remains

from the puzzle

his face


the next day we were chatting

suddenly drifted towards him

“rich kid, he must be one”

“seems very sophisticated”



“erm.. what is a rich kid

like him doing here”

“i mean he got no reasons to be here..

unless got some errands to run here”


anyway if we ever meet again

neither will i remember him

nor him will remember me

but i am just wondering

would it make a difference

if the paper reached him


it was just like a sweet dream

after i woke up from it

everything returns to normal

and life goes on

he doesn’t leave a trace


what’s left over

is only this crumbled sheet of paper

which witnessed my craze

in the middle of a night

on flight AK 79

over Ipad and Ip Boy


if handwriting can create

a first impression on opposite sex

seemed that mine was already ruined
