Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Green Shopping

went shopping with XH

not that usual one

this time round is all so green

Celery, Cauliflower and Capsiums


today is the 1st day of Ghost Month

Tesco is so empty


moreover it’s public holiday tomorrow


i don’t even know how to pick

he being the pro



wow i never know chili is so ex

always complain why the noodle uncle

giving so little chili

and wouldn’t let us help ourselves with iti never know chili is so ex


i guess this is also

a Only in Malaysia scene

garlic peeling

does it amount to a vandalism?

back at home

the garlic is ready for the blender

so hassle-free

garlie peeling competition      



miss this the most

where ever i go

XH was saying

last time he dabao-ed dabao

(pork bun)

and ate here

so so evil

tsk tsk tsk

fav supper of all


i sent a wrong sms to him

supposed to go to Noobie

still blur

don’t know what is going on

between me and Noobie

ask him just go back and check FB




Tesco green bag

should i get one

next time round?
