Saturday, October 2, 2010

Thought I Didn’t Care

ok continuation from the previous post

Hidden Friends, Hidden Me

this is another scene from my dream

gosh what a long dream I have had


bunch of us were watching DVD

in a very crowded room

the disc being played

me myself can’t even believe is this

《Jay Chou Live in Concert》


oh my

must be the side effect of

too much news and photos

about his recent tour in HK

8 shows, most expensive ever

of Asian performers

held in Hong Hum Indoor Stadium

my baby went too

left is the best



back to my dream

then we were making so much of noises

singing to the songs

who are the “we”

no idea I can’t remember exactly

and an Indian teacher came in

shouting at us

chasing us to go back to classroom


back to the classroom

the Indian teacher was giving out

report cards

and soon enough it was my turn

flipped it open

the comment was

“nor bad neither good”


the grades

I am amazed

how come I remember

these so well then

5As, some B and C

and there came the climax

Biology – E

Chinese language – F


and the teacher was praising

Mr. Tan for being the only one

achieving all As

he was the smartest boy in class

back then…


and I was so angsty

for the rest of the day

I hate the teacher

for stopping us from watching the concert

for giving me back a report card with E and F grades

that I got into a quarrel with the teacher

it got so hot that

I said I don’t mind to risk it all

to get this thing right

at most I will quit school


analysis #1

I watched this movie yesterday

Desmund was reprimanded for his results

two red grades

Chemistry and History

corresponding to my two failures too

Echoes over The Rainbow


and my two failures

Biology and Chinese Language

it can be linked back to my high school examination


those were the two subjects

I fail to get distinction

although I already got full As

for 11 subjects

but A2 doesn’t count

those two bloody subjects gave me two A2s

the real champ is full A1s


I thought I didn’t care

since I hate Biology

and Chinese Language doesn’t matter much

I was not going after any scholarships

so it makes no different whether it’s full A1s

nobody at school got full A1s

hence it doesn’t matter

I lose to nobody

I thought I didn’t care

till it reappeared today


so I guess


I still very much take this

as a failure in my life


Desmund Law said something

I very much agreed to

no matter what competition you are taking part in

there’s only one winner

third place and runner up

are not considered winners

those are just consolation prizes

Desmund Law


his is kinda hot

one movie already won him

the Newcomer awards

next up he will be acting as Bruce Lee

1/2 malaysian

1/4 malay

introducing Aarif Rahman

a.k.a. Aarif Lee


he sings

he plays instruments

he writes lyrics (for the whole album of Janice Vidal)

he is a graduate from England Imperial College



Aarif Rahman


okay let’s come back

what I care for is

in every game I play

I must win

just in case there is a winner

or at least

I will never ever be at the bottom

as the loser


and …

that applies to love game too, baby