Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Stephelle’s Kitchen: The Potato Person

since my Home Baked Hash Brown on Sunday

look.. it’s so delicious

Home Baked Hash Brown


I have since then been messing around with potato


1st: Shredding is Caring

Shredding is Caring


after shredding the potato,

I soaked it in water, sprinkle pepper powder

then put it in the fridge

I thought this gonna make it crunchy

but i t didn’t work

just that the pepper powder had really mix well

with the potato that

it doesn’t taste bad

although not up to my expectation

by the way

it looked like that Japenese snack..

gosh I forgot what it is called

sliced potato marinated with pepper powder


2nd: Poptato Popping

Poptato Popping


I thought this gonna be a crunchy one

because I added in corn flake

but the corn flake was crunchy

right till the point it was sent into the oven

but it gave a different texture to my poptato balls

tasted fuller, crewier 

Poptato Ball pre-bakingfishball-like




you know

I even took the time

to go dry each and every piece

by pressing it in between kitchen tiss

then drying it thoroughly

actually I got the idea that

the best way to dry my potato

is to buy a kitchen dryer

a hair dryer in disguise, for kitchen usage

what do you think?

in dryingsprinkle some salt on topbakingoh man...


the problem was

the peeling was a total failure

some parts were too thick

because I used a manual fruit peeler knife

instead my magic shredder

my dad threw the poor cheapo chips away

because he said this was totally not edible

they ended up in trash bin


I don’t believe I am doomed to fail

I will be back

to create something out of potato

which is crunchy

and yet oil-free…

stay tune for my good news