Monday, September 6, 2010

Post Marathon Shopping

continuation from the Gossip marathon

just downstairs

we went for a quick shopping

how quick is quick?

for us, 1hr30mins is quick

only 7 hrs back-to-back is considered solid shopping


too bad Wey had to left early

joining the family

since she is flying back to Perth tomorrow


firstly my Tailou (boss) wanted to buy swimwear

while i just slacking on the sofa

while she went for fitting sessions

Parkson is just so considerate and caring

actually my feet are really kinda tired

from the 6 hours of Mid Valley yesterday

as i said only 7 hours shopping is considered solid

6 hours is at the borderline

we shall call it moderate shopping

moderate shopping tires me out

have to admit

i am AGING


the RipCurl Mannequins

can’t they just leave the T-shirt alone

checkered is not supposed to be worn like this anymore

and the yellow shirt guy in cap

don’t laugh

because you are looking equally bad

or even worse

with your Sherlock cap

Rip Curl       

when we proceeded to the paying counter

quite a long queue

i mean like 3 peoples in front

in term of Melaka

for Melakan there’s hardly any need to queue

this is not HK ok

except one place

see here for more details

the boss who is always donning a football jersey

please pay me for the marketing campaign

after all, it's a Saturday.. so this is considered not bad


saw this luggage

oh my

he is so classy

out of the whole sea of boring luggages

the guy was pursuading how good it is

how nice it is

i was really tempted

but how often do i need this

and this is so huge

i can’t hide it when i reach home

just like what someone did with his Puma shoes

checkered luggage


finally i did not buy

how often will i need this

a couple who was there after us

got one 20” and paid without much hesitation

the guy told us

there was a hand-carry mini version

it is printed on the catalogue

so nice!!1

sold off

can get it at another shop

but without 50% off, just 20%

jokingly told him that he should borrow

on behalf of Parkson

and sell it to us


sorry i never know i am that chatty

that i talk to sales person

complete stranger

must be the aftermath of the long gossips

and before i left

told him

i wouldn’t spend rm 150

and get a good nagging later


no lar…

i think i know him

bought my luggage from him 2 years ago

at the other Parkson

remembered him as the low-low guy

that kind, you know

soft spoken, chatty, ernest

so this is the kind that wouldn’t go mad

even if we don’t buy

that’s why i dare to joke


pink HP

with the doggie’s paw

you see it?


pink HP


then i met my heartthrob

been checking on her a few rounds

since last year i think

but never buy it

waiting for the right time

which is today

30% off


it' is a Rip Curl

with detachable strap

actually my boss thought that

it’s a little too boyish

i guess it’s because of the shape

too squarish

but i like the colour so so much

and the little deer keychain that comes along

detachable too

Rip Curl


haha nevermind

if i seriously not gonna use it

i can resale it to someone

his bag can’t last him long

with a price premium perhaps

haha i so smart right



oh my this is gorgeous

denim heels

considered for awhile

it’s ok

i will be back!!

denim heels


went MNG

no sales no girls

just the couple of sale girls hanging around

my boss wanted to check out leather bag

she thinks mine is cool, haha

and most that we found, including those at Rip Curl

are with non-adjustable strap


so surprise to find this

my bag is still on window display

not only one, but two

so leather bag is a classic

way beyond the border between Summer and Fall


have to say that

i like the design of the window display a lot

the pair of grey gloves

make it very aviator

but it’s still casual

look at the cushions on the floor

so does it mean

balancing among work, family and self?

sorry i have been too imaginative nowadays

the main point here is

they have got taste to include my baby in there

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         like her belt too

like the grey gloves


i will be back!!