Sunday, June 30, 2024

2024/06/30: May

Suffered the lowest sale ever since 2015

but had heaps of time to

tackle the tough projects


to read through the day

and to run whatever errands there were

and even attended important event

as a cousin who is always not there


But thank goodness

managed to see the light at the end of the tunnel

towards the end of the month

with a large project that lasted for one week plus

so was not invoiced in May


Anyway am still trying to

cutting down on unnecessary expenses

what if what if

one day it gets so low that

i don’t get enough to cover my expenses


Of course it doesn’t mean

i should settle with minimum threshold every month

by the way the time (and money) spent on reading

seems to be paying off

as I found it’s much easier to

work on a new topic I have not encountered before

due to the exposure to wider range of topics


Yup will not cut down on

buying books and newspaper subscription

that would be my top priority


Hello June

oh wait we are soon coming to the end of June

time really flies

when you have so much to do

other than work
