Wednesday, July 1, 2020

2020/07/01: June

wish someone could tell me

what went wrong in June


38% sales decline from May

18% decline from April

which i thought was the worst days



in the middle of June

were busy at one point

that I even rejected tasks

as i thought i couldn’t handle

too much at once


but things took a different turn

the last 10 days

workload completely died out


but there was nothing much

i could do, can i?


so i further utilize

the perks of working from home

by keeping myself busy

with dough and flour

in the kitchen



since the bad time

has gone even worse

it can’t get any worst, right?


maybe it could

but can I say that

i don’t freaking care

about sales figures anymore


i still take my work seriously

but at the same time

it’s perfectly okay

to stay idle some days

there’s no need to

feel guilty it


Kermit sipping tea
