Monday, December 7, 2015

Sweats & Tears X for the Past 10 Years: Thanks for Staying Back Here

a pretty back-to-basic Kai Kai

and probably the most serious yet

inspiring interview ever

more of like documentary-themed

2015.12.05 Wang Kai X People in News - 王凱 新聞當事人 03


where was Kai Kai Wang

in the last 10 years

before he gets really huge

before The Disguiser and Nirvana in Fire

it takes like 10 years to

get where he is today

which looked like gaining the popularity overnight



the comedy role as the sissy

probably was one time supposed to be

annoying yet amusing

but looked pretty sad, though

as a look-back for himself


he didn’t really speak much

but did mention that it was

out of no choice

2015.12.05 Wang Kai X People in News - 王凱 新聞當事人 01 - Copy (2)2015.12.05 Wang Kai X People in News - 王凱 新聞當事人 01 - Copy (3)2015.12.05 Wang Kai X People in News - 王凱 新聞當事人 01 - Copy2015.12.05 Wang Kai X People in News - 王凱 新聞當事人 01



clip from an award even last month

where he thanked himself for

never given up in the past 10 years

2015.12.05 Wang Kai X People in News - 王凱 新聞當事人 02 - Copy (2)2015.12.05 Wang Kai X People in News - 王凱 新聞當事人 02 - Copy (3)2015.12.05 Wang Kai X People in News - 王凱 新聞當事人 02 - Copy (4)2015.12.05 Wang Kai X People in News - 王凱 新聞當事人 02 - Copy2015.12.05 Wang Kai X People in News - 王凱 新聞當事人 02



People in News / Wang Kai /

Hunan TV / 2015.12.05

新聞當事人 / 王凱 / 湖南衛視


the complete version

with his senior, 靳東


People in News / Wang Kai X Jin Dong /

Hunan TV / 2015.12.05

新聞當事人 / 王凱 靳東/ 湖南衛視


the background music


sung by Kai Kai for Nirvana in Fire


赤血長殷 / 王凱 / 瑯琊榜

Chi Xue Chang Yin / Wang Kai


the full speech for the award presentation

風從東風來 娛樂影響力盛典 / 王凱 / 2015.11.14



