Saturday, December 5, 2015

Pre-Holiday X Short Stay: Weekend’s Getaway

having mentioned this 5 days ago in

Can’t Think of X A Real Good Title: MOVEmber

may head out

for a day or two

spare me a day or two

to make that meet-up happens

and I would be more than happy to

work hard for the entire month

including Christmas Eve and

New Year’s Eve


all of a sudden

it is really happening tomorrow

a weekend outing to Singapore

as I don’t have much workload

scheduled over the weekend


and for the upcoming weeks

both of us are up to something

soon it will be Christmas week

which is preferably avoided


therefore by 7pm just now

decided to make this happen

confirmed and here we go 


the previous trip to Singapore

was like 1 years and 10 months ago

for Cheer Chen concert

like flying in on Saturday afternoon

staying for a night after the concert

and off I was out of the island again


X’mas gift – checked

Souvenir from Seoul – checked

Fully charged camera – checked

A Place to stay – checked


Money – half-checked

Only managed to find SGD 50

that’s not quite enough I guess


the rest..

not really checked


not too sure if

I am staying a night or two


I bet I will miss my dog

while I am away


till then

let’s hope everything turns out fine


it’s doesn’t matter

where am I going

all I want is a quick meet-up

and a long-long talk without

having to worry about catching

a bus/train/flight/whatever soon

Can't wait to see you