Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Typography X Makes me Happy: Which One, Seriously?

suddenly this idea came popping by

while i was on the bus-ride to work

that i want to


drop Mr. Jim a bar of chocolate

on my way back

at his bike


so i came out with this quote

but now i can’t make up my mind

which design to go with

20 of them here


Lindt 70% Excellence Cocoa Excellence bar

wait a minute

so it’s 70% instead of 75%

that means i got the quotes all wrong

since i typed “75pct bitter” in there


so which one?

Charisma Smile Smooth Culture Fantastic Giant Quirky Oregano Audacious Love Friendship Sketchy Intense Life Whimsy Passion Gentle SuaveRomance


may i print them all

and turn it into a gift wrapping paper instead?


want to generate your own quote?

with readily available LOVELY design?

BeHappy.Me Quote Generator

have fun



22nd June, 2014 (Sunday)

i bought the choc yesterday

so here you are

simply because it goes with

the Hershey’s typeface

Bitter Sweet


bitter-sweet : )
