Wednesday, June 18, 2014

SH! SH! 17: Grocery Shopping, What?

Grocery shopping is

(always) a part and parcel of

my travel itinerary

(even if I am not traveling with my dad)


heading to Tesco at 7am is

something me and my mom

do back home on weekend while

my dad rather lazes around

or gets busy at the garden


me and my dad are both early riser

and most sightseeing spots are

not opened that early anyway 

and he says he can’t spend the precious time

lazing around so

we must get ourselves going

yet, during post-lunch hour

he always demands going back to

the hotel for a nap


same applies to night time

all we can do is loiter at shopping district

but he would prefer to for grocery shopping

because at least he gets to shop

rather than walking aimlessly or

waiting with dead boredom for me

outside the stores

no!! that doesn’t happen that often,

I swear


on top of killing time

grocery shopping is rather a joy

because you get to see the real local life

what they buy what they eat


and we do buy some food stuffs here

as mini souvenirs

something more practical

as compared to elaborately packed  yet

funnily-taste food gifts at

tourist stores


since we were staying at the middle of

East Nanjing Road

the heart of shopping district

without any residential area insight

there’s no major supermarkets around

except little convenience stores


so we actually took the trouble to

catch a train to go for grocery shopping

and we did it, not once

not twice

there were 4 trips in total!!


1 x RT-Mark 大潤發, Taiwanese based

1 X Carrefour 家樂福

2 X Tesco 樂購


the name of Tesco in Mandarin is

just so appropriately given

Le Gou, literally means



so is Carrefour,

Jia Le Fu,




my sis was asking us to

buy her some car models

there were some lovely one at Tesco

and they are reasonably priced



but I was secretly hoping that

she didn’t like these because

transporting these is definitely an issue

and we were seriously considering

buying a luggage then if

we were to buy these






how could I buy this

yeah buying one is just easy

what about getting this back home?



Tesco in-house brand F&F

okies.. I found what I want to

buy for Baby Jayden



this is a total sweetie

minus the fact that

it’s that infamous cat

and Lipton mug is of great quality

my breakfast mug lasts me for at least

5 years and it is still

my daily buddy for a hot cup of chocoat



and they actually have a range of

different goodies paired up with

different products

I guess that’s how much they want to

push the culture of tea-drinking

at the same time,

pushing their sale, of course

Western-tea, I mean



well I actually felt out-of-place

when the whole wet markets were

packed with the matured citizens

hey, it’s 7 a.m. on a Saturday morning

who else wake up that early




Mr. & Mrs. Danny Lin

are all over the shelves

there’s this household brand,

known as Arowana

the product lines are pretty much

the kitchen necessities such as

oil, rice, beans and etc

*proud to be a fan of LinDan*



we prefer buying fruits here

in the supermarket

first, it is chilled so probably can last longer

second, you can choose all you want

without getting the grumpy face from

the fruit vendor

but do it moderately,

you don’t have to smash the peach to

know if it’s of good quality

you can never imagine

how people choose

their fruits and veggies



we did actually buy

a few packs of these peppers back home

the green one

tasted and smelled really good

the “traffic-light” capsicums are just

over-rated, hence over-priced too

here or back home 



good old buns

Tesco / Carrefour are the best place

to grab these

fresh and cheap

buns could be quite expensive in

bakery out there

because it’s still quite not as common

we bought floss bun for

8.50 RMB each okay, at Bread’s Talk



dad, are we done yet

just to remind you

we are taking the train



my loots



these time round

gift-packed M&M’s weren’t available

so we got a few sets of these for




we obviously did most of

the shopping at Tesco

I calculated we at least spent

1k RMB here at Tesco



wow you bet how I much

I would love to join the crowd

and these were real good

like sweet and tender and juicy



I prefer the dried food section of Carrefour

there are quite some quaint stuffs

I didn’t really see at Tesco

yet my dad kinda lost his confidence

because there’s something that

he bought at Tesco was

much more expensive here




now I understand why the

mainland tourists sweep

Old Town White Coffee at supermarket

in Malaysian supermarkets

Chocolate and instant coffee

haha the same mentality

we the smart tourists, do

souvenir shopping at supermarkets



oh man!!




FYI we only have 30kg of

luggage allowance



and I hereby clarify that

my contribution is absolutely minimum



dropped by the wet markets too

where we didn’t really buy much

except fruits, covered in this post

SH! SH! 19: Fruits for Good
