Saturday, September 17, 2011

Holi-Friday X Usual Way: Hunt That Pays

learning from past experience

Malaysian Day 16th Sep

the newly-introduced public holiday

is a great day for shopping


thought it is going to be a short day

I: Quiksilver/Roxy 50% storewide sales

II: Smurfs from McDonald’s


storewide sales around

Roxy 50% storewide is a annual thing

last week during our shopping

oooppps… i am actually shopping on weekly basis?

asked my besties to look out for items they want

so that we can grab during the 50% sales

expecting it to happen during November, though

Roxy 50% storewide sales


i know they always have these privileges

finally i am benefiting from being Digi customer

and the discount i enjoyed

no.. i didn’t buy .. Cheryl enjoyed

is enough for a month of credit top-up

Rip Curl 30% storewide



remember clearly last year Malaysian Day

it was the one and only day in the year

they were having 20% sales

this year it is even greater

30% off

but… be a follower on Twitter or Facebook fan

then print out the voucher

marketing tactic for the new gen?

30% off entire purchase


since the watch encounter last Sunday

Sapphire Crystal X “Black Metal”: Watch-Critical


then found something even better

adidas Original

but to my surprise

all these are poly-somethingsomething


they are not aluminum or other metal form

as i have imagined

at first fell for the blue dial

yet it’s transparent.. making it very plastic-like

just like a toy watch

and no solid feel

adidas Original analog watches


then this one

which is simple

adidas Orignal ADH 2047


the sales in charge

they were very kind

they did not push me to buy

seeing that i was in a dilemma

because the watch is too huge for my hand

but i do not really like the other designs

i only want this

simplest is the best

as he said

if i can’t get the watch out of my mind

kept thinking about it after that

then i will go back for it

because nothing beats buying something you like the best

consumer psychology!!!

analogue watch ADH2047


Puma’s Martha Cooper shirt

very cool indeed

wanted to buy for Her Highness for birthday

but there’s no suitable size

ended up buying something simpler

that’s the problem

shopping for myself is easy and happens

in a blink of eye

but buying for others is something so complicated indeed

Martha Cooper woman shirtPuma Martha Cooper 02 



this woman spent more than me

she bought like.. 1 bag 1 purse etc…

our favourite mirror


loots of the day

I: Roxy Breathless Handbag

omg.. the stripe at the background

last century Roxy :S



the photo looked quite bad

because i was taking in a rush

didn’t want anyone to know i actually got the bag

breathless baby



i took very long to make up my mind

because there is this stain

not very visible

but it’s still there

last piece… as usual

will figure out something

it took us so long to make up our mind that

the staffs have already pulled the gate down

stain on white bag


II: Smurf' tank top

randomly ransacking


can be tied up too

Je T'aime Smurfs,

which is French for I Love You

Je T'aime Smurfs


III Hefty and Jokey Smurf

thank goodness

because the branch i went to, ran out of Smurfs

my 7th and 8th

two more to go and i am done

no more happy meal for me

Hefty Smurf and Jokey Smurf


i did not spend more than 100 bucks today

and hope the watch guy call me soon

to tell me that

female version of the adidas watch

will be available soon

actually baby blue doesn’t look too bad too

good thing takes time

Adidas Originals Cambridge Watch