Sunday, September 18, 2011

Appetizer X Getting Better: Smurf’s Grabber

Smurfs' Grabber


pretty straight forward and easy-to-play game

1 minutes game of

grabbing the ingredients on the floor

to produce the material

as displayed in the recipe tab


white mushroom + orange + red mushroom = blue potion

Papa Smurf's Lab


the end-products for each game

XP earned + materials created



the material collected

can be traded among each other

for the rare one

Smurfs' Store


and eventually for the different Power-Ups

it’s actually quite fun to do the calculation

Power-up Trading



character items function
Baby Smurf bell rattle increase chance to get rare recipes
Baby Smurf ball rattle increase recipe timer
Hefty barbell slows down the ingredients
Brainy glasses double all XP collected
Jokey gift random powerup
Vanity mirror double the materials you collect
Painter brush get 1 ingredient automatically



the stork will fly by,

holding the power-up item

click on it then the item will fall

then grab it

the stork


how the power-ups work:

a few power-ups can work simultaneously

for a specific duration across different games


Vanity’s mirror and Painter’s brush are working to

double up the material (two blue potion can be created at once)

get 1 ingredient automatically (a green tick for the green mushroom)

Papa Smurf's Lab Power's Up


with the XP collected,

you may get level-up

and create new materials

Level Up screen


at level 10

you get to enter Greedy’s Bakery

which is more difficult than

the game in Papa’s Lab

Greedy Smurf's Bakery


and Smurfette’s Garden

at level 20

obviously, the most difficult among all

Smurfette's Garden


the difficulty level differs by:

  • similarity in the ingredients, you ending up collecting the wrong one
  • more ingredients are needed to create a rare material
  • the ingredients shift place more often
  • flowers which is smaller in size, requires precise grabbing


grabbing tips:

focusing on the shadow of the ingredient


actually in the first place

i did not find the game interesting

but out of curiosity for this

content for my Smurf’s Village???

i continued playing

Content for Smurf's Village


now that it was revealed

you can create some orange colour items

for your Smurfs’ Village

that’s all???

but i have already fallen in love with the game

that i would continue playing

despite of the disappointment for this

quite good-for-nothing content for my village

Smurfs grabber Smurfs village Trading


to maximize the power-ups and

getting rid of the limited game restriction

many people complained that the game is a trick

since you can only play a game of 1 minute

for every two hours

or you should buy the coin for playing


which i never will

Next Free Coin in...


but for me

i just pace the time for playing

1 coin for every 2 hours

maximum coins collected in 5 = 10 hours

therefore i play the game on a 12 hours basis

once in the morning, another at night



playing 5 games in a row

can fully utilize the power-ups

since some power-ups can last up to 5 minutes


easier trading

if you find it difficult to recognize the

various type of cupcakes and desserts

or the different bouquets of flowers

identify the colours of the plate then

or for the flowers: the bouquet holder

store trading 

Smurfs’ Grabber trailer