Monday, August 8, 2011

No Blaming X Start Thinking: In Disguise, A Blessing

it appeared that the journey

never cease to be rough

since I was being ditched last Friday

Frustraintion X NOption: The Cursed Station


came out at 7am on Saturday

reached town by 9am

then got call from a friend

in the vicinity of my neighbourhood

that he is heading down to Melaka

wondering if I would like a ride with them


oh man

I have taken the whole 2 hours to travel out

another hour of waiting for them

no worries

as long as I reach home by lunch time

KTM station



supposed to follow their car again

like in the afternoon

then on Sunday morning

got a text message on 6+ am

there’s an emergency

and they have to depart earlier


called him immediately

sleepy voice

I thought I may be in time

to catch their earlier ride

I felt so dumb

when he told me

he is already back in hostel

no longer in Melaka


it frustrated me

it’s not that I hate taking bus or something

but 6 am in the morning

and you expect me to see it

and leaving me behind

very very efficient indeed

it’s the feeling of being ditched again

that made me feel kinda mad


quickly rushed down

to the bus terminal for bus ticket

Sunday is always the rush hour

tickets are selling fast

failed to get the noon one

to head back to hostel

then revised my plan again

straight to KL instead, late evening


on the 5.30pm bus

I analyzed the whole thing again

I am just being emotional

it’s a plus bonus

if people offer you a ride

but they do not really owe you

to always doing good favour

then it’s up to you

to decide how things will go


the old school phrase

I can’t agree better

when there’s a will

there’s way

they same thing goes for

simple things like journey planning

always have a back-up plan with you


and I guess

things happen for a reason

since I was staying back till late evening

I got to attend another praying session

and I would say that

I no longer dread it that much

and have picked up some insights

will talk about it soon, of course

Buddhist Temple, Siang Lin


thank goodness

things went on smoothly

met up with Miss Manager Carly at 8pm

and caught two buses

to reach my condo by 10.30 pm

supply supply from home


12 midnight

TomYam hotpot

the sweet and healthy version

tomyam hotpot


till then

I gonna miss home

and the quiet moments of trio