Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My Tropicana Wardrobe

i wanted to do my wardrobe housekeeping

for 2 weeks already

but i am a bit busy

but i am cleaning the drawers

but i am in the process of re-washing clothes

but i am in the process of shopping


so this is the closing chapter

to my shopping marathons

it’s time to remind myself

how much i have bought


basically i have clothes of all colors

except red

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actually my wardrobe is open air

been doing this since last semester

it’s easier to find clothes

the cabinet is not enough for my clothes

the cabinet is a bit gloomy and poor-lit

let my clothes enjoy the sunbath everyday


the Tropicana Wardrobe

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say goodbye the old clothes

which are going to be transported home

actually i got lots of stuffs

to be brought home this time roundP8244082


my shoes

really few




another round of cabinet housekeeping

in the evening…

can you see the empty gap for drawers?

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