Sunday, May 3, 2009

Your Heart will Lead You Home


while i was having my lil picnic

under the sun

i thought of this song again

this is the song i been looking for

since a very long time ago


Your Heart Will Lead You Home / Michael Crawford


watched this animation

“The Tigger Movie”

a couple of years ago

it seemed like a very very long time ago too

can’t exactly remember when

this movie came out in 2000

The Tigger Movie


was mesmerized by the ending song

but didn’t know the title

and who sing it

can only remember

“sunny day…”

and those sketchy images of

Tigger and friends


thanks to Youtube

i found that song again


Your Heart Will Lead You Home /

The Tigger Movie Ending


the “sunny day” aside

the lyric of the song

is simple yet meaningful




so that i can c the little baby

over and over again

for ten days
