Friday, May 1, 2009

My Lil Picnic

as usual

woke up at 7

got all ready by 8

but lib is opened at 9.30

public holiday

let’s go for a mini getaway


hello, Sunday


while i was walking

a couple asked me for direction

they were looking for somewhere to eat

have to apologize

because i directed them to Mac

i really don’t know which canteen is opened

so Mac is the safest


my usual path uphill

keep it up


found my picnic spot

at The Deck (name of the arts canteen)


this is literally and figuratively

The Deck

The deck


my rm 15 sandals

are sunbathing

never thought

something as ordinary

can look artistic too

autumnly summer


studying Geo

under the Sun

is fun

can pick up fallen leaves

can see ants walking by

lil' leaf fell on my notes


prepare to leave

by 9.30

The Deck is still quite empty

2nd level is the posh area

The canteen area


crowded entrance

at the lib

exam fever

have to Q to enter the lib


luckily still managed to get

my fav spot

with the lovely view

overlooking the old tree


lib closed at 4.30

hanged out at The Deck again

to finish off my studies

here I am again


played a few lovely songs

before i left at 6


way back to hostel

windy and cloudy

the way leading back to hostel
