Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Summerlicious Perfume

like yesterday

finished class at science

passed by the perfume booth

60% off

then Abi suggested

let’s go and have a look


that’s the trap

once I take a look

then i doubt i will leave empty-handed


not bad.. lots of brands for sales

called up my sis

cause i saw the Moschino and Versace one

she has been using


i know it’s kinda bad to phone up her

talking about perfume

she is still “mourning”

but that’s what a sister for right…

shopping network


so she said just pick any for her

she trusted my taste

got one Versace Baby Rose Jeans 1.7oz for her

she said that one was ok


the other one Versace Red Jeans

I was tempted to buy

cause it’s very cheap

2.5oz for $ 25

the Baby Rose is  $ 20


actually they are more or less the same

but Red Jeans is 82% and Baby Rose is 75%


i been smelling too much of perfume

that i couldn’t differentiate

which is which

now i am kinda confused..


whether i am getting these for my sis

or for myself…

a good question to ponder upon

ok she can take 1 back to her house

another one leave it at home

and we shall share…


erm, I like this too

just that the design is not too

fancy looking

it is really refreshing

but it costs $ 55

next time perhaps


this is what i was always targeting for

but i didn’t see it there

deliciously fruity



i noticed lots of Paris Hilton collection there

obviously it is not selling so well


well officially annoucement

I am penetrating into a new market

for shopping….

welcome to the world of perfume


some words of caution

I remember my Chemistry teacher,

Ms Lim said

perfume is actually very cheap ester

so they are just made expensive

by packaging and adverts

so beware
