Thursday, March 26, 2009

Confession of a Dress Addict

I am here to tell a real life story

finished Maths quiz

feeling quite good actually

cause can manage the quiz and the class exercise

and weekend is around the corner

the best part is I am going home


today nothing attracted me

or tempted me to go shopping

on my own initiative

went to the science foyer

“”let’s go see where there are nice clothes"

“I regretted I only got 1 dress last week”


wow, $10 dresses again

wait, lemme go withdraw money first

I thought I shall keep as little cash in my purse

to avoid shopping

but apparently this doesn’t work

since the ATM is just 10 steps away


Rationale to get four dresses

my sis birthday is near

she said if I spot nice clothes

I may buy for her

if she doesn’t want any



couldn’t find something like these

back in Melaka

will keep my hands off shopping for

a very long time (I doubt)


exam is near, need extra motivation

I hardly go out to shop (which is quite true)


practicing what I have learnt from Becky

global warming

we should go for simple dresses

the dresses can be transformed into

semi-skirts too

mix and match with some tops


can make good use of my piling tank tops

but i gonna get some white simple shirt

i don’t have any


good substitutes for Roxy

which cost rm200 or even more

Roxy dress X


loots of the day

beige flora baby blue flora plain blue mini plain black mini 


Loot Summary of the Week

 the blue-black-white 6 dresses everything



I am a dress addict already

6 dresses in a week
