Friday, March 27, 2009

The Not So Worth It Skirt

first of all,

a caution to every lovely reader

who is currently reading till this line


this post is not about my crazy shopping again

this is something serious

something relevant to economics


today is kinda special

but i don’t know why is it so


went jogging again in the morning

didn’t go to the library in the morning

slacking in the room

do some assignments

and trying out my dresses, haha

had a nice nap in the afternoon


and suddenly felt like

wearing skirt to school today

for the entire 8 months in NUS

I have never worn a skirt to school before


the reason being is troublesome

arts faculty is hilly,

quite a lot of staircase to climb    

i always sit crossed-leg

(the meditation way) in class

sometimes a leg even stretched

across to the chair opposite

in the library (the kopitiam way)

underneath the table of course


today i wore this skirt to class

and on my way back 

I was thinking about my pretty dresses again

oh my god I am so obsessed with them


then my thought was diverted

back to the skirt i was wearing

this skirt I got from Padini

it cost me something like rm 100,


gosh i was horrified by this thought

can’t you see the link?

this simple skirt can buy me 4 cheaper dresses…

which four, see here


the opportunity cost is 1:4

and this is not even something branded

it is just a new arrival at Padini


i want to clarify that it’s not that

i would not support made in Malaysia

i would not buy from Padini anymore

i wanna show off i can afford a rm 100 skirt


rather the main points here are

i have grown through my shopping journey    

i have learnt to apply economics theory in life

i have came to accept that it is not necessary to buy branded stuffs all the time


even though i myself doubted

i would not buy any branded stuff again


i got quite a lot of treasures

to bring back home tomorrow


why do i have to bring everything home?

show it to my dear family

have already showed them the photos


let my sis pick one of the dresses

she can have it, i don’t mind

but i doubt my own generosity

i will give up the black one i guess


will hang them in my wardrobe nicely

a nice warm welcome to them

to my wardrobe before i wear them    


will try them out again

in front of the big mirror and

experiment with different mix and matching


this is also an issue of accountability

i have the responsibility not to

hide from my parents on

how i spend my pocket money    


will wash them thoroughly

and expose them under the sun

before i wear them

i can imagine how wonderful it is

to see 6 dresses hanging

swinging to and fro under the sun

especially my summer dresses



sorry mom

i never intend to give you extra work

i will wash them on my own

can’t you see,

i am a prudent, wise consumer.

i used to be wise too

but now wiser than ever….



my Padini Authentic mini skirt



it’s 9 hours actually

i am going out at 7am

things i have to do within

the 9 hours before i leave


wash my MNG sweater

i know bout 60 earth hours

but i gonna leave my fan on for 2 days

otherwise my sweater will stink


mop the floor

this week observed less hair on the floor


pack up my treasures

expect difficulty to fit them all in a bag


pack up the other usual stuffs

list already compiled


finish watching Big Winter Melon 12

it ain’t loading well now


have a decent hairwash and thorough blow-dry    

enjoy a cup of Milo

and lastly to unplug Ms. Elle

forgot to unplug her twice

and she got dehydrated
