Thursday, March 5, 2009

Lay Down, Breath, Run

something is stressing me up

feel like escaping from here then

i will start analysing

what are the issues bothering me

list them out then

find solutions one by one

then at the end of the day i'll be fine


sometimes just croon some simple tune

I think I like this song

《不呼不吸幾多秒 》/ Fiona Sit

Like its rhyme

and it’s again

composed by Khalil


I don’t hate Fiona actually

I just don’t want her to be Khalil’s gf

that’s all

they can continue to collaborate

as much as they want to


if really can't find solution

lie on the bed and

do what i am always good at


- a hot drink

- some munchable snack

- an ebook

- some music    

- then have a decent nap

life is brighter after that

last strategy…

run home….


Playlist of the Day:

不呼不吸幾多秒 / 薛凱琪

最後只好躺下來 / 黃力行

RunAway / 陶吉吉

拍膊頭 / 軟硬天師

Wow / 郭偉亮
