Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

this is a great movie


usually we say a movie is great

due to those unrealistic, out-of-mind scenes

beyond boring imaginations

those things that we can never ever

encounter in real life

that’s why we say it’s great


but for this movie

it’s the exact opposite

this is a great movie

because it feels real


don’t go in and expect

some great visual effects

and unexpected ending

I would say it’s not merely

meant for entertainment

bring your sober mind in

keep your ears straight up

and prepare to learn something


it’s a 2 hours lesson of life

and of the recent financial crisis

there are loads of quotes

that can be picked up from

it’s not a very relaxing movie at all

you gotta listen

or u wouldn’t enjoy the movie at all

you will be bored to dead


I regret not having a pen with me

there are little left in my mind


Crumbrian Evolution



in history

it gets repeating over and over

just that the snowball effects just

got bigger consequences



and works of art

Saturn Devouring His Son by Goya

if that is the real painting

it would be a pain

since Bretton already smashed it

Saturno devorando a sus hijos


and during one of the scenes

the arts exhibition

“Alice in The Wonderland”

two balloon dolls are making love

I guess that make a mockery

of how the rich and famous

are spending helluva money

on these so-called art works


Bretton pointed out it the movie

collection is to build up

sense of security, or something like this

aha.. as a crap collector

totally agree


remember last week

Lehman Brother Arts auction

the stand alone gasoline hose and nozzle


I  can’t understand contemporary arts


but did notice a cool Betty Boop figurine

donning cheerleader outfit, with pom poms

in their apartment

and the Cracker Jack Ring

erm.. for a art-blind like me

those are my cup of tea

Cracker Jack ring


regards the financial issues in the movie

after all

swimming and flowing

two years among

economics books and lectures

came to be an

plus advantage


basic understanding about

leverage, subprime crisis,

hedging, economic bubbles,

insider trading, Indexes, the Fed

bill out (in financial)

is a must in order to

enjoy the movie for real


and the pace of the movie

is not something I have expected

I thought it gonna be fast-paced

cursing, rushing and even harassing

bang bang bang

before you realize

the movie is already over



on the contrary

the story flows with subtle pace

there is no sudden climax or anticlimax

the emphasis here is

you gonna pay attention to the conversations

real close

to realize what’s going on

or you gonna lost track


and I kinda like the music

relaxing, a little country

it’s just like

finding your own way of life

through the hustle and bustle of the city

their lifestyles

waking up to the sunlight

riding a bike to work, cool



and yeah Winnie’s job

is my dream job

non-profit independent blog writer

but for me

I don’t have a suave and smart hubby

and an offshore loaded Swiss account

most probably I will starve to dead


words of thought that I managed to pick up

“a fisherman notices another fisherman”

“rooster claiming credit for the break of down”

“good things take time”

Jacob spoke this in Mandarin to the Chinese

but frankly I didn’t catch a word

“time is the biggest commodity”


family value is above everything

Gordon wants the daughter back

that’s the trade he made

and I like this

“you get her back, and both of you will have a father”


well ridiculously

my eyes were wet

when Winnie and Gordon

are talking, reconciling

outside the gala dinner


that’s how my dad talked to me

when he begged me to quit

when he begged me to enroll for some \new stuffs

he said, till the the day he dies

he will never understand why

if I refuses to go back to school

and I am always asking this why

blaming him for the wrong decisions

“why wouldn’t you say I can go to UK

3 years back?”

just like how Winnie is blaming her dad

for the death of her brother

seeing the Big Ben from Gordon’s office

my fire is back


if there’s something we can do

to make up for all these

well I guess there is…


I pay rm6 for a pretty good lesson

it’s totally worth it all

watching movie alone is awesome



I will never ever

invite a guy for movie again

for the deep shit I have caused last night

well.. it’s really that bad

the gf of his wanted a breakup

after seeing this

I guess I am not the flashpoint

just happened to be so unlucky of me

so bitchy of me


I am really sorry about that

Wall Street Disaster


why is the movie named

Money Never Sleeps

Gordon said in the train

money is like a bitch that never sleeps

if you don’t care enough about her

tomorrow morning

she will be gone