Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Funny Macho Brother

this blog post is dedicated to

a funny macho friend of mine

who was always teasing me

said must call him gor-gor (elder brother)

nope, you are just a di-di (younger brother)

so, cannot har?

what’s your problem har?


recently kept bugging me

for macro-economic tutorial solutions

oh my

taking macro to pull up cap

that is so so wrong

you should have consulted me before taking


3 am in the morning

asking for tutorial solution

I was so kindhearted

went up to the attic-store room

ransacked for the scanner

because camera photos are real bad

thank goodness the tutorial papers were all with me


I already provided the answer once!!


I guess the solution really saved your day

8am econs tutorial

3am you were still stuck

I know how frustrated it is

I already imagining myself scanning

the whole stack of solutions to you


that’s what a friend for

ya right

ain’t too sure whether this is helping

or putting you to harm


to my surprise

you don’t even buy a textbook yet

mid-term is just round the corner

come down to Melaka to collect if you want to

it’s only 5 hours away, no hurry


remember the 1st time we met


washing some stinky Nescafe cans

and you said it was so hot

that you took off your shirt



then a head came and checked on us

you asked whether he minds if you take off your shirt

he was grinning,

probably thinking, haha what a silly guy

and answered

“I don’t mind if the girl does not”


then you asked me

of course I said I don’t

I know you got 6 packs

is this the way to show off??

but seriously

you were making me

feeling quite hot too


and there started a month

of laughter, sneering, fooling around

2 macho guys, 1 silly girl

and some thunder-storm dramas too

I always had to cover up for you two

when you guys went for 15 mins naps or walks


those nights

and those singings

yours was the worst

I forgot what title, LeeHom’s


ghost stories at army

and yeah

my uncle never come and haunt me

he knows I don’t skip the funeral purposely

you two silly superstitious heads…


when I rejoined the group

after two weeks vacation

it was like hell

you already quitted

Leonard Low was about to…


after you two were gone

I was so desperate that

I befriended Andrew

how I hated him in the first place

for being a smoker, drinker, curser

but I did not have a choice

he ended up being my daddy

and always went for secret date with mummy

as usual, I had to cover up


he got the lazy-virus

which I got infected from you guys

and never work as garang as before

more and more dramas then



but it was never the same again

less laughter

so boring that I was almost anti-social

I really missed you guys then


remember this???

haha I accidentally found it

when sorting out some old photos



Mr. Macho’s TalentQuest (NG version) / CS


Mr. Macho’s TalentQuest  / CS