Monday, July 5, 2010

Memory Case Files: Pencil Case

last week i brought this pencil case

it really got me thrilled for quite awhile

because it has been years since i last

bought a pencil case

it drove me back into the memory lane


i believe during these days

everyone took pride in our stationeries so much

especially pencil case

it is like a symbol of status


if i got a new one which i really like

fingers were helplessly toying with it

eyes were diverted to the cute pics

while teacher was teaching in front

Mr. Happy       my first ever button-up 


and i actually went hunting for

all the old pencil cases which are still around


the shopaholic spirit in me

was unleashed at a baby stage

in buying stationeries and pencil cases

Std 6 was the climax where

i changed at least one every month


there were quite a few that i gave away

during a X’mas to some needy kids

here are what i found

blue still dominates the crowd

and i realized most of it has got its own story

sit back and let them be revealed



1st, Little Bobdog

i guess everyone would at least own a Little Bobdog

it’s like the pencil case market leader..


that buddy of him

black in colour

anyone happened to know

what his or her name is?


this slim long box

was the most convi one for tuition classes

it’s compact, “double-storey”

and can be stuffed in pocket or even file

and if i forgot to bring ruler.. no worries

Little Bobdogblek... base        rusty  


another Little Bobdog

a bday gift from my Cousin to my sis

haha a hand-me-down


the Bobdog already faded away

or maybe i scratched it off after

there were some cracks

and drew a Woodstock there instead

this was my $ pouch during Form 5

when i was serving as the class treasurer

the next year i was promoted to

the position of assistant monitor… kaka

classic zip ugly, isn't it


another hand-me-down

the plastic round “window” went missing

and my dad fixed it

and added in a Dalmatian…

i don’t really know what is this called

taken from bottle cap

his childhood collection

Joker GarfieldW.D.P. 


this is the only standing pencil case

Winnie the Pooh

during that time i was trying so hard

to protect the cartoon pictures

that’s what i did

pasted a layer of transparent tape

and trimmed it according to the shape of the cartoon

can see the tape peeling off, right?

yet the pictures below remain scratch-free

Pooh tape is peeling off the other side      zip


among my collections

Snoopy will always be around

in history there were at least 3

one went missing outside the school library

during Form 3

tech-savvy Snoopybroken heart stamp


we bought six of this from Bum City

Sue-yin, Min Wey, Pei Chin, Xue Chee, Pei Shan

and to differentiate one from another

printed out some D-I-Y stickers

to paste on the other side

still using it as my domestic pencil case

girls, are yours still around

and Pei Shan’s one

hope her family is still keeping it

we really miss her

Bani Rabbit.. ours步步高升


very very tired indeed

(ssshhh… did some shopping again today)

gonna go to bed soon

although i thought i still have tonnes

of case files to be revealed

found a few wit missing zips


oh ya

i remember now

Standard one

how i left one at school

and second day it went missing

must be the morning session

Standard Two senior…


Standard Two

how one day the fatboy sitting in front

turned around and put his arm on my pencil case

and the poor fragile box went cracking

i think i still have one of these

just can’t find it

yellow and blue colour

a friendly green dino on top

and in there was a dino timetable card too

a free gift from Lady’s Choice


talking about free gift

everyone would have own one from Milo too

water bottles too

they came in all shapes


Standard Five

bought a Bobdog maroon colour one

along with a Pilot Shaker

it was the trendiest mechanical pencil back then

next day brought it happily to school

half day through

my pencil case went missing

finally found it on top of

the class cabinet

but the Shaker was no longer in there


although i did buy another Shaker later on

but that was my first one

poor baby

the Bobdog case was still around

not so long ago

but i simply couldn’t find it



when Ah B saw all the cases

she didn’t even look interested

i still thought i can hand it down to her

after ransacking she found her own treasures

she been carrying them around all the time for days



good night world

i am so tired

although i feel like writing another post

although i feel like waiting for his new post too


along the journey

i collected loads of memories

it makes me feel alive again

hope Mr. Happy will accompany me

for the journey to come


and as you can see..

it’s too small for a calculator

i don’t wanna have anything to do

with complicated Maths in my life anymore

Happy Happy
