Thursday, May 19, 2022

2022/05/19: April

somehow didn’t know 
what to expect for April
have had peaks pre-2020
but is also one of the lowest in 2020
we just have to move on
it wasn’t a busy month 
and I actually dined out a lot 
during lunch hour
enjoying the perks of 
a not so busy and hence 
probably safer dining space
in various places in town
but it wasn’t just that easy breezy 
there were at least one day in the week 
where I started work real early 
to catch up on progress 
rounds and rounds of experiment 
obviously showed that 
I m more of an early bird 
than night owl
but sometimes both if needed
have further pushed my early hours 
to as early as 2am 
and getting most things done by 10am
is my sleep hour messed up?
sleeping and waking up at 2am?
i was quite trained for it from past travel
but now at the comfort of my own house 
at less I could turn off the aircon 
if it feels too cold 
but during non peak 
i am usually asleep by midnight 
sometimes with sleep timer on TV 
sign of getting old…
hosted a 3d2n staycation 
for a very close friend & family 
mainly consisted of eating, tea sipping 
and walking to the next destination 
for more eating
and then it was soon my birthday
more eating and cakes cutting
which made me went back to 
strict diet and daily workout routine
since two weeks ago?
but it feels good 
to feel more disciplined, fitter again 
and occasional indulgence
two different kind of feel good