Friday, April 15, 2022

2022/04/15: March

March was kinda slow moving

it was about time to stop procrastinating

after the “two month trial”


yet was starting to feel exhausted 

without a proper break for long 


so there were days 

I didn’t work during random time of the day

like spending the morning 

cleaning the hood, organizing the fridge 


then going back to work 

like 4am in the morning 

before I got back to fridge organizing in the day

and heading out to get more storage items 


the fridge is looking all good now 

I suppose?


and I am slowly getting used to the pace of 

working on tight deadlines


the 2 month trial is up 

the first quarter is soon over too 

so what’s next,

my 2nd most fav month of the year? 
