Wednesday, April 13, 2022

2022/04/13: February

Just realized I haven’t written 

the post for February 

but it should be relatively easy to recall

as first half of it was Lunar New Year


I started work on 3rd day of Lunar New Year 

fair enough 

in fact I got extra day off 

before Lunar New Year 

as it was a weekend


but it wasn’t easy at all

started work at 12am 

took break in between 

and went back to festive mood

in the day to entertain some guests 


but it was one of the Lunar New Year 

I most enjoyed ever 

without traveling

since it was the first 

at my own place


anyway found it a bit hard 

to go back to full time work schedule 

thank goodness 

it wasn’t a hectic month


i couldn’t imagine i actually spent 

the second half of the month 

adapting to post holiday mood


but overall 

it was all good 

having spent a few long night working 

and the rest pretty much chilling


the new balance?

please… not again?
