Thursday, September 5, 2019

2019/09/05: Another August

Somehow can’t remember

much about August

even if i didn’t procrastinate

this time round


probably it has been an

uneventful month

which isn’t necessarily

a bad thing

after all


except for..

a voided invoice

on the last day of Aug

because the client was

still unhappy with the quality

after three rounds of amendment


other than that

i can’t remember exactly

what took place in August


trying to revamp my schedule

to be an early riser again

so that i can take my time

enjoying breakfast


and took a quick break (nap)

around 11 am if

i am feeling really tired

let’s say

i start working at 4 or 5am


and also

try to substitute tea time

with early dinner by 6pm


what’s more

started to take workout seriously

i know it sounds ridiculous

when you can’t beat the fat

then you probably are not

working hard enough

sad but true story


having get used to this

healthier routine

am suddenly concerned

about my upcoming solo (lazy) trip

to Taipei next trip

may end up coming back lazy
