Sunday, August 12, 2018

2018/08/13: Good-By July

how on earth it took me so long to write this

but not that bad right

this is actually the 2nd Sunday of August


how would i describe July

fast but slow at the same time


1st week was pretty slow

struggling to move on

from the trough during June


but it was overall okay

at least I have billed in something

before flying off to Tokyo on 7 July

which fell on a weekend

with zero workload to start with


the entire week at Tokyo

was smooth sailing

the best perk of solo travel

work and play at my pace


so I mostly work in the morning

and go out after noon

and continue/start again

in the evening if required


on the night before

my day trip to Kamakura

i was racing with time

with a large volume task


so the day trip kinda acted as a motivation

i finally managed to finish

and went out by 12

without sacrificing the day trip


and on the day after

i could totally went with

a super slow pace


like waking up pretty late and

worked all the way until 3

went out at 4 and

returned by midnight


i remember during my post for June

was lamenting over my bad luck

of how i missed a task

simply because i read the email

7 minutes late


but it seemed that this month

luck was on my side

so i went for a concert

on a Friday evening


and there was no signal

on my portable WiFi

in the underground venue


but oh man

the concert was too great

No Party for Caodong @ WWW Tokyo


i had no time to worry

and my battery died

while snapping Shibuya’s Crossing


but thank goodness

the client waited

as I had worked on the previous batch

the one I was racing against time

a couple of days ago


no sleep on a Friday night

and i had to ask for an extension

for a task I didn’t manage to finish


packing done by 3 AM

caught the earliest train by 5 AM

flight at 10 AM


well getting an extension is one thing

i still had to get it done

on a Saturday

well… half done on the place

battery died ><


and half done

on the floor at the airport

as i found power supply there


and third week of July was

really crazy that

i have got no time for

post-vacation blue


audio transcription

over 2 weeks

6 videos

1-1:30 hours each

which took me

1-1.5 days each


and i had to take a break

after 1 video done

not exactly a break

like working on something else

to get the “voice” out of my mind

before i can start over again


and hiccup happened

7 hours of unsaved work

took me another 2 hour

to redo everything

and finished the complete file

by 3 AM


that kind of stress

i was undergoing

so i decided to go for another concert

to be exact a 2-day music festival

featuring the same artist and more

No Party for Caodong @ Cameron Highlands


a small 3 day 2 night vacation

waking up in Malaysia at 13 °C

is not something you experience everyday

Strawberry tea ><


and the month ended in

another round of busyness

this post is so long huh

and it took me so long

looking for pictures

it felt so long ago


anyway the month ended good

highest sale since the year started

in fact since last April
