Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Free Bike X Finally in Sight: My First ofo Ride

have been seeing several but

not many ofo bikes in town


have been wondering if

they have really landed or

brought in as private bikes

for rental under

independent proprietors

i.e. hostel owners etc


so at where we parked our motorbike

i spotted two

they have been there for days

but yesterday it wasn’t dark yet

so i actually took my time to

check out the QR code and lock


and two of them

actually have different locks

but it confirmed my guess that

ofo has officially landed in Malaysia

ofo Malaccaofo Malacca*

i randomly posted a picture on

WeChat Moment about unlocking this

haha my kind friends from Mainland

must find me dump

just scan and go! one suggested

just scan on your Wechat!!

just open Alipay!!!


apparently these will not work

as it woks under different system here

well we don’t even have Alipay

yeah accepted here by merchants

like 7-11, department stores etc

but individual users like us

are not able to create an account yet


then i found more bikes

nearer to the attractions

and instructions on how to unlock it

ofo Malacca


day 2

i.e. today

i was so pumped up

got the apps ready on

my dad’s and my own phones

just type “ofo” on App/Play Store


looks promising isn’t it

but i am not sure for how long

before some disappear into thin air

ofo Malacca


just click on the Unlock button

and a QR scanner will appear

scan the bike that you want

and it will be auto unlocked


i managed to unlock a bike for my dad

then my own phone was

on scanning mode as well


then shit happened

i accidentally scanned on the

same bike twice


so both phones were actually

accidentally sharing one bike

wth i know right


so i chose to

complete trips for both

so that i can re choose

but for second attempt

i have to enter payment detail

in order to proceed


there goes my short-lived

very first ofo trip

i haven’t been on the bike yet

ofo trip


i will be back!!!!!

sooner or later


this was snapped in Guangzhou

earlier last month

i wonder if we will be heading

towards this direction or

will eventually die out

like the other failed projects

which is something we are so used to

ofo, Guangzhou


Alipay Alipay

when are you coming for real

and please make it so accessible that

i can use my foreign accounts in Mainland

everywhere i go out
