Saturday, August 19, 2017

Me & My Huawei P10+ 10: Approved?

dressed up my 6s and 10 Plus

in twinning outfit


Black silicone cases for iPhone 6s and Huawei P10 Plus


bought them from Lazada

used to buy these from Aliexpress

ever since Taobao acquired Lazada

there are more options of items

shipped directly from China

and the delivery is way faster


i actually have quite a few

shopping posts to update

having received the parcels


i received four this week

no nope are on the way

but may order more soon



this post is supposed be

a two week verdict for

my P10 Plus


in short

i am perfectly satisfied

and i absolutely have no regret


especially after browsing the photos

from my camera

while extracting the above photo



there are so many failed photos

it makes me wanna cry


the most obvious one being

wrong focus and

everytime i took a set of 4- 5

knowing very well that

it bound to fail…

i doubt i will come back

to these places anytime soon

Failed photo from my Fujifilm XA-2Failed photo from my Fujifilm XA-2Failed photo from my Fujifilm XA-2Failed photo from my Fujifilm XA-2Failed photo from my Fujifilm XA-2Failed photo from my Fujifilm XA-2


or to make things worse

no focus at all

Failed photo from my Fujifilm XA-2

tap to focus and

wide aperture mode

on my P10 Plus is going to be

really helpful to

overcome this issue

i hope


and there are a few sets of

all-dark photos

and i can’t even figure out

what was i actually trying to snap

Failed photo from my Fujifilm XA-2


and night scenes

which can totally be deleted

all of them

thank goodness

i took another set with

my primary camera, 6s

Failed photo from my Fujifilm XA-2Failed photo from my Fujifilm XA-2Failed photo from my Fujifilm XA-2


there are nevertheless

some good one

so i guess the camera

is here to stay

as a toy instead of

the primary camera
