Tuesday, July 4, 2017

First of 2018 X Somewhere Unheard Of: Off to Sihanoukville

frankly speaking 

i have not heard of this city 

and i am not sure how to get there

since i was in Tokyo

it automatically linked me to this page

when i was looking for flight info


apparently i am slow

this is a new route

launched by AirAsia

and i can’t believe we are

there for real


this morning

this woman sent me an

AirAsia promo banner

asking what does it say it Chinese

simply because she saw

Sihanoukville is on the list


i was out with the family

for breakfast and grocery shopping


and discussion was done

on my breakfast table

and booking was done

outside the washroom

while waiting for the other two


1 Feb is a public holiday

too bad it’s not available


so we have to carry forward

to 31 January

instead of 02 Feb


and come back on the 4th

the combination is not

exactly as cheap as promised


please bear in mind that

as everyone is busy

forwarding a list of

long weekends for

2nd half of 2017 and

even 2018


AirAsia is doing the same too

from their side


but who cares!!

we are going to Smallville

and we have not travelled in duo

since Dec 2012 to Taipei?


we were supposed to

go to Angkor Wat together

back in 2011 but

abandoned due to

change in my internship


so this is officially

my first ever trip to Cambodia


wait a minute

will the other two Unicorns

feel it since we are planning

without them knowing?



it’s kinda crazy these days

of how i am booking flight tickets

faster than sneaker buying


well travel while you can

that’s my motto for now
